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More About The Scene

Good Morning Everybody!

The "deleted" (I'll explain the quotes in a minute) scene I put up yesterday got such wonderful feedback. I'm truly humbled by it. Thank you everybody! (I know there's cosmetic errors in this, like I said, it hadn't been fully edited), but it was edited as I posted it (long story about's the short version: for some reason I can't copy and paste from my word processor to my blog, so I have to type it up from the printed page, weird, huh?) And yeah, if think there was a problem with it, feel free to tell me. I mean, how else will I improve if I don't know what needs improving, right?

Those of you who posted a comment will be happy to know that I found a way to put it in (that's why I put deleted in quotes). I did some thinking about it and realized "Wait, no, it could go in. I'd just have to figure out whether I want to keep it in a new chapter or put it in the previous one." (I'm thinking of putting it in the previous chapter for continuality purposes). I'm still figuring out how to adjust that issue, but the scene is back in. I felt like it was one of the better scenes in the story (and there are some that I really like) so I just couldn't take it out. If I have to I'll adjust the rest of the chapter so it can stay. I like it. And if necessary I'll go into some previous chapters and edit them so that the scene makes sense.

Conjure A Man is just in its first draft, so there is room for improvement (which is a good thing since I'd like to make it the best I can). I do have someone who's offerred to critique it, so that's great. My best friend, Sarah's got the first 5 chapters to make sure the French makes sense...although I took out the word lapain (spelling?) because I just haven't ever had Pierre call Delaney his "Little rabbit"...he usually calls her ma belle or ma petite belle, so I thought I'd stick with that, or ma petite amie (which is supposed to mean "girlfriend" according to this one Dictionary).

In other writing news I've been also dreaming up my next work--although nothing concrete has taken shape. I have a few ideas I'm playing with--trying to see if there's a particular character that jumps out at me. For now I'm just going to continue working on Conjure A Man and when my manuscript (Surreal) comes back from my editor, I'll be polishing that up.

Today my husband has off, so I'm happy about that. It's nice to have him around and my son just loves his Daddy so much. (He's one of the first people my son asks for in the morning!)

Not much planned for today, so we'll see what writing I can get done and if anything else crosses my mind like yesterday! LOL

Have A Tasty Tuesday!


Stephanie Faris said…
Hope you have fun with your hubby on his day off. You have a lot brewing right now, including a ms. with an editor. I'm in awe!
Bethany said…

Thanks! I got my editor "by accident". I was emailing my family talking about how I'd love to have one, but couldn't afford it. One of my sisters (the eldest) emailed me back reminding me that she had experience and that 6 books she edited all went on to get published (unfortunately, I don't know their titles! I'll have to ask); not only that a screen play she edited got optioned! So, she took my manuscript.

Funny what happens when you just ask.
Unknown said…
Amazing! Good luck with everything. Sounds like things are going very well for you!
Bethany said…
Thanks JJ. I've got good days and bad days the same as anyone! Have a great day!
Regina Quentin said…
I'm glad you decided to use that scene. It is great to see all your progress. Very happy for you!

Side note: When trying to copy and paste from Microsoft Word to Blogger, click on the "Edit HTML" tab instead of the "Compose" tab and paste your text in there. Often times Word has extra unpublishable HTML code attached to it, especially if you password protect your docs. When you paste directly into the HTML tab it bypasses that. Then you can go back to "Compose" mode and add pictures, more text, etc.
Bethany said…

Thank you so much for your kind words! Also, thank you so much for the copy and paste help. I will try that next time! :-)

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