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Spotlight On Author: Loretta Wheeler

Happy Tuesday Everyone,

There's a gem of an author I've had the privilege of coming across...I'm talking about my friend, Loretta Wheeler. She's a sweetheart and very talented author. I enjoyed her YA Paranormal novella, The Pan Man immensely. And, she also writes Romance.

So without further ado, come into my parlor and meet Loretta Wheeler:

Me:  In your YA novelette, The Pan Man, you mention Pan's looking for his long lost soul mate. What made you choose Pan out of all the Greek/Roman gods and goddesses?

Loretta:  I chose the Greek god Pan, because of the connection with the music. I found later on in the story, (my stories take over and write themselves usually) it applied even more than I realized because of the band's name. I won't mention the name of the band in here, because it's part of the surprise ending.

Me:  You're mostly known for your Romance stories. How would you describe your writing style? Hot, suspenseful, sensual, sweet, contemporary, paranormal?

Loretta:  My style is usually paranormal, sometimes supernatural, and leans toward the thriller genre. With each story, the sensuality may vary. In Dark Pleasures, it's more suspense, with a very low intensity in the romantic side of the story. Dark Pleasures and The Pan Man are both written under the name Loretta Wheeler. Pieces written under my real name are very low key in the romance area. When writing under my pen name, L Reveaux, the writing may heat up on the sensuous side, along with the language. This allows the reader a fairly clear choice of what they're selecting to read, depending on which name I write under. The Rising, and its soon to release sequel, Out of the Ashes are both written under L Reveaux.

Me:  For Fun: What's your favorite way to start your day?

Loretta:  I'm one of the lucky ones, I get to begin most of my days the way I choose. I usually wake to Lil' Dickens (my blue-eyed, highly communicative cat) slamming a cabinet door to wake me. When I finally get my wits about me, I drift down the hall, and make myself a cup of coffee. My coffee is always flavored by the way, usually hazelnut or chocolate. When I have my eye-opener in hand, Dickens and I sashay out the door to the deck. Dickens' strolls, and I sit in my porch swing near the garden. If it's summertime, the fountain is going, and I usually have music playing. Music is something I love having on while I'm writing or sitting on the deck. When I'm on the deck the music is something like Enya, Chris Botti, or Jazz. When I'm writing, it's nearly always Jazz, because all of my settings occur in the south and most often take place in the French Quarter.

Me:  Did you always want to be a writer?

Loretta:  Actually, no. I have always been drawn to the arts, with the strongest direction being art itself. My love of drawing was my primary focus, and then, once I was grown, it shifted to decorating (several courses ensued with that). In high school I wrote a couple of pieces that drew some attention, but my focus was still on drawing. It wasn't until I was older that I began writing. After having a strong response to my writing style from the people I was working with, I decided to try my hand at it. My hand kept writing, and all these character's kept crowding into my head, and so, here I am.

Me:  What advice do you have for aspiring writers?

Loretta:  The most recent advice I've given, is invest in a couple of good books on writing, find a critique group that suits you, (that may take a few attempts) and then sit down and "do it". I think I've found with a lot of people, unfortunately they begin writing first, and then do the study. It saves a lot of frustration if a brand new person knows there's more to the profession than just grammar. And of course, after they begin, their crit partner or partners is very important. There is such a fine balance with that...finding someone that relates to what you're writing, can help you tweak it, and yet not crush the spirit, can be difficult. In other words, find someone who can juggle roles well, and do it with kindness:)

Me:  What do you think is the hardest thing about writing?

Loretta:  I think that's different for each writer. I don't usually suffer from writer's block, but I do suffer horribly from "not in the mood". I am a very moody writer. To tempt me to continue with a piece when I'm "not in the mood", I've found little writing bursts or prompts in a completely different direction can get me started again.

The next most difficult thing on the list for me, is editing. I'm one of those who dislikes editing. It is a four letter word, you know:)

Me:  For Fun: Aside from cats (because I know that's your favorite) what other animals do you like?

Loretta:  I love all types of animals:) I find them to be delightful...companions given to us for love, company and enjoyment. I love their hearts, their souls, and that little telepathic mind of theirs. (That's another topic. We won't go there today:)

Me:  If you weren't writing, what would you want to be doing?

Loretta:  Well, if you mean as a profession, decorating. If you mean what would I be doing on a "play day", or going to the movies. I really think I could be one of those "dedicated shoppers" too:)...I usually know which store has what, and in what price range. Sigh. In looking back at all these answers, I think you could definitely color me on the artsy side. I swear there's a serious side in there also :)

Me:  Do you have a favorite character of one of your stories or do you love them all equally?

Loretta:  No, I certainly do not love them all equally :) Isn't that pitiful? Remind me NOT to let my Muse see this:) Now, let's see, my favorites. My all time loves are Deidre, Sue Ellen, and Loutrec in The Midnight Dance. The Midnight Dance hasn't released yet, I'm still trying to decide if I want to run after agents and publishers with it, or indie-pub it.

In Dark Pleasures, I like the two main characters, Samantha and Richard (Richard is more commonly known as Dick, I had to put that, he thinks of himself as Dick;) but the dog in Dark Pleasures, Hob, will finally control my heart. Dark Pleasures will be continuing by the way, with Hob coming on strong.

In The Rising I like both of the main characters, Ryze for her essence, Rick, for what he is, and who he will become. I also like Bartholomew...he's come forward as a very strong secondary character. And of course, I'm going to love all those birds who move toward center stage in the sequel, Out of the Ashes:)

With The Pan Man, I liked both of the main character's, Christy and Alexis...but eventually the gypsy, Larue, takes the spotlight in the novella, The Image. The Image is one of my WIP's written to release as an e-book.

Me:  Do you have any up and coming releases you'd like people to know about?

Loretta:  I think I've named all of them in here already, but the most current upcoming release is Out of the Ashes, the sequel to The Rising. It's due to publish this month, (February 2012). Firebird will release after it, completing the series.

Me:  Anything else you'd like to add?

Loretta:  Yes, I'd like to send a big Thank You, to you, Bethany:) I enjoyed the questions...they were just like a writing prompt! So, guess what I'll be doing tomorrow? :)

Thank you, so much, Loretta for doing this interview!

Want to find out more about Loretta?  Visit her on her Loretta Wheeler site or go see her under her L. Reveaux pen-name.

You can find her work on Amazon Kindle Loretta Wheeler / or as L. Reveaux on Amazon and you can also find her on Barnes & Noble Nook Loretta Wheeler or find her as L. Reveaux on Barnes & Noble.

Have A Tantalizing Tuesday!


Loretta - Meb said…
Enjoy the ambiance of the deck and keep an eye on the over fed furry one, he shall sneak on by. Keep the quill loaded with ink and continue to show the world you have a voice.

Cover Man
Betty Dravis said…
Wow, Loretta, This is so you! I really enjoyed it and learning more about you, you sexy little critter you!

I admire your writing under two names because it expresses the real you and lets the reader know about what they're getting.

I've read all your shorter works and am eagerly awaiting a longer novel.

Let me state that I don't read or review erotica and that even under your pseudonym you do not go too far in explicity describing sex. I like that...just enough without crossing any moral lines of a true lady. :-)

You are so elegant in your real life and in your writing.

I'm so honored to be your friend. This is a lovely blog.

Big hugs - Betty Dravis
Susan M said…
That was a super interview, Bethany and Loretta. Good job.
T.W. Fendley said…
Enjoyed the interview and learning more about you, Loretta! It seems we have a love for art in common--even in college, I kept trying to decide art and writing (almost have a double major).
Anonymous said…
Great Interview, ladies!! I can vouch for Loretta's writing...I loved The Pan Man and The Rising! And she is just a sweetie!
Melissa said…
Wonderful interview, ladies! :) I too enjoyed The Pan Man, as well as Dark Pleasures (still gives me chills)and The Rising. I've never thought about it before, but I guess I'm a moody writer too. LOL Sitting down in that blasted chair seems to be the hardest part. Can't wait for Out of the Ashes!
Sheila said…
Awesome interview guys. I suffer from 'not in the mood' as well. Then I play on FB with the games. Or play solitaire. Or watch NCIS with Meghan.

Jennifer Dahl said…
Lemme tell y'all... Ms. Wheeler is one #3II of a writer. I got to meet her in Galveston last summer and I can't begin to tell you what fun that was! I wish I'd had a whole day to spend with her and her husband. If you haven't read any of her work, you're missing out!
Tonette Joyce said…
Wonderful interview, of the best I've seen anywhere in a while,(one of yours was probably the last'best' one).
I found Loretta to be interesting,informative and just a delight.She makes sense, but is obviously creative.I truly enjoyed this today and hope to find a few moments to see her work.
Sorry that I haven't been around , but my computer has been ill and in the hospital.It is making a good recovery, but still needs some physical therapy.(Sorry, my tech fella calls himself a PC Doc!)
Thanks for brightening this storm-clouded day here!
Peter Green said…
You go, Loretta. Your stories contain some of the most bubbling, glowing descriptions I've ever come across, with hot mermaids and transformational beings--magical and spellbinding. --Peter
Patricia said…
I liked finding out more about you, Lo. I've seen you around for months and never knew any of this about you and your writing - how you feel about animals, how you start your day, etc...
Thank you.
Bethany said…

Thank you for dropping by :-)
Bethany said…

Seems I need to read more of her work! Thank you for dropping by and supporting Loretta :-)
Bethany said…
Susan M.,

Thank you so much! It's always fun for me to interview authors--to get to know them better.

Thank you for dropping by and supporting Loretta :-)
Bethany said…

I have a sister who took a lot of art classes--but in the end decided to go a different direction. Writing can be considered a form of art, too.

Thank you so much for dropping by and for supporting Loretta :-)
Bethany said…

Thank you for dropping by and thank you for supporting Loretta!
Bethany said…

Reminds me of what musicians Dan Navarro and Eric Lowen said: "...the agony of the blank page..." (I interviewed them in high school for my school's newspaper and I've never forgotten that line because it's SO TRUE!)

Anyway, thank you so much for dropping by and for supporting Loretta :-)
Bethany said…

I know the feeling!

Thank you so much for dropping by and for supporting Loretta :-)
Bethany said…
Jennifer D.,

Thank you so much for dropping by and for supporting Loretta--I know she appreciates it and I do, too!
Bethany said…

So sorry about your computer! You've had some issues with that lately and that's rough. I hope things get better soon and I'm glad Loretta's interview could do that for you! Thank you so much for dropping by and for supporting Loretta :-)
Bethany said…
Peter G.,

Great marketing for Loretta's work--you make it sound more intriguing than I did!

Thank you so much for dropping by and supporting Loretta :-)
Bethany said…

Thank you so much for dropping by and supporting Loretta :-)
Hi, Lo, I had to say yeah you re Chris Botti. I saw him (for the fourth time) last Thursday. An awesome show.

And happy dancing over your new book. More happy writing your way, my friend.
Bethany said…
Vicki B.,

Thank you so much for dropping by and for supporting Loretta :-)
Loretta Wheeler said…
Good morning, Cover Man! lol, not sure what the Loretta -Meb was, but I recognize the Cover Man when I see him:) Thank you for passing by...on the deck...and in my life!;)

Loretta Wheeler said…
Hi, Betty-gal:) Great to see you on the deck!...Thank you for drifting by and leaving such a gracious comment:) I always enjoy having you take a look at my work...seeing it through your eyes always makes it come to life all over again:)

Lo Lo;)
Loretta Wheeler said…
Thanks for stopping by, Susan:) It's always good seeing you:):)

Loretta Wheeler said…
T.W., it's difficult isn't it?:)...All those artistic choices! I get to play on the design side a little when my husband works on the cover. I tell him what I "see" and he does an excellent job of following through:) I'm fotunate to have my "Cover Man" sitting in the same office:)
Loretta Wheeler said…
Ahhh, Tessie, it's so good to "see" you! Thanks so much for stopping in:)I love it when we play catch up:)

Loretta Wheeler said…
Good mornin' Melissa:)...Have a seat on the swing and we'll see if a "mood" overtakes us!:)...I think being a temperamental writer brings its own set of hurdles for us to jump over:) The good side is though, once we catch the mood, we can write for days:)

Loretta Wheeler said…
Sheila, evidently there're more of us out there with mood swings than you can shake a stick at!:) Thanks for stopping by, gal:)

Loretta Wheeler said…
Awww Jenny, you are a living "dahl":) It was wonderful meeting you last great to put a live face on one of those Absolute Write people:) BTW y'all, Ms. Dahl has an excellent piece of work out, titled "This Lesser Earth", women's fiction...if you're into literary, you'll love this piece!
Thanks for sashaying through, lady!
Loretta Wheeler said…
Tonette, lovely of you to stop in:) And yes, Bethany did do a great interview didn't she? I love her's always nice to go a little sideways in what you normally hear about an author:)
I hope you do find the opportunity to select something of mine to read:)The good thing is, at the moment, they're a fast read because of size...but "Out of the Ashes" has more length to will the third in the series, "Firebird".
Loretta Wheeler said…
Hi, Peter! Great to see you here:)...Thank you for the wonderful comments about my style of's always so nice to know when readers (and other authors) enjoy your work:)
Thanks for stopping by!

Loretta Wheeler said…
Patricia, thank you for stopping in:)Yes, Bethany did an excellent job of going a little more personal:)...It's always nice to know a little about the "person", not just the writer, isn't it?:) I love learning about my friends and other author's lives too:) I'm glad you enjoyed the interview!

Unknown said…
Really enjoyed the interview, Lo. Loved your comments about pets and writing. Your books are great and I think you're very smart writing under two pseudonyms so readers will know what they're going to get. I look forward to your upcoming books. Oh, and if you decide to go after an agent, don't think you'll have a problem at all, kiddo. You're too good a writer not to.
Anita Page said…
Good advice about the critique group, Lo. I've been very lucky with mine, and can't imagine writing without that support.
Bethany said…
Christy F.,

Thank you so much for dropping by and supporting Loretta :-)
Bethany said…
Anita P.,

I agree with you about having good critique partners/group(s).

Thank you so much for dropping by and supporting Loretta :-)
J D Webb said…
Great interview, Lo. I have one problem. I spent so much time reading the comments I didn't get to play solitare. Guess I'll just write - if I'm in the mood.
Wishing you much success.
Loretta Wheeler said…
Hi, Christy! Thanks for stopping by, and for your comments about my writing:) It was great seeing one of the "Dames" on here;):)

Loretta Wheeler said…
Anita, I know what you mean about those crit partners:) They're worth their weight in gold! Thanks for stopping by:)

Cara Marsi said…
Loretta, what a great interview. I feel like I know you now. I have The Rising on my Kindle and can't wait to read it. I love how you spend your mornings. I too have a cat who likes to wake me because she's hungry. I also enjoy flavored coffee and relaxing in the mornings with coffee and the paper before I begin my day.

You've got an impressive list of titles. Congratulations and good luck.
Diana Layne said…
Enjoyed the interview, ladies!
Bethany said…
Dave (JD Webb),

I hope this means that the interview was more interesting than Solitaire today?

Best wishes on your writing.

Thank you for dropping and supporting Loretta :-)
Bethany said…

Thank you for dropping by and supporting Loretta :-)
Loretta Wheeler said…
Hey Vicki! Good seeing you here:)...I know what you mean about Chris Botti...what's not to love?!:) He sets such a delicious mood with his music:)
Thanks for the well wishes with Out of the Ashes...and a big thanks for stopping by!

Bethany said…
Diana L.,

Thank you for dropping by and supporting Loretta :-)
Meb Bryant said…
No matter how much I think I know you, I always read or hear about something new and interesting. I love your writing voice and your actual voice.
Great interview. Thank you, Loretta, and Bethany for having her.
Bethany said…

Thanks! It was fun. Thank you so much for dropping by and supporting Loretta :-)
Loretta Wheeler said…
Hey there JD:) Thanks for dropping in, dawdlin' around and missing out on the card tricks!:) I'm glad the interview won out:):)
Play well tomorrow,and no cheatin':)

Loretta Wheeler said…
Cara, thank you for sitting awhile on the porch, AND for downloading "The Rising":)...I hope you enjoy it:) The second in the series, "Out of the Ashes" is coming out before the end of the month, so you downloaded the segue just in time:) Enjoy the wander in The French Quarter...they have great coffee there too!:)
Loretta Wheeler said…
Diana, I'm glad you enjoyed the interview, great seeing you here!

Loretta Wheeler said…
Hey, Meb:) Great to see you here! And, heck, what's a friendship without a few surprises?;) As long as the skelton's in the closet aren't TOO big, shock value adds a lot to a also wakes up the Muse! lol

Thank you for stopping in:)

Loretta Wheeler said…

Thank you for having me, gal:) I enjoyed being here:) I'm heading for the couch, not the swing, and pouring myself another coffee. Chocolate inside!:) Wishing you a cozy evening with your family:)

Jim Pedicord said…
Yup, that is DEFINITELY Loretta, behaving herself rather nicely, though... heh heh. Great interview, a great way to tease folks, give a glimpse of what she's all about. (Now THERE is a subject for a LONG book, if there ever was one: Loretta!)

BTW, Loretta, note that I am here on the SAME day! Amazing, huh? OK, I confess, my better half is out for the evening....
Bethany said…

Thank you so much for dropping by and for supporting Loretta :-)
Bethany said…

It was a delight to have you! Thank you so much for doing this interview :-)

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