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Spotlight On Author: C.C. Hunter

Happy Tuesday All,

Join me in welcoming C.C. Hunter...whom you might remember as Christie Craig.

As C.C. Hunter, she's entering the world of YA Paranormal series and I'm pleased and honored to be able to introduce this side of her to you.

Me:  What made you decide to change genres to YA paranormal?

C.C.:  I’ve always loved ghost stories. I actually wrote one romance with a ghost story subplot. Then, several years back, before I sold my first humorous romantic suspense to Dorchester, I had written a humorous paranormal romance. I loved writing it. And while it didn’t sell, it caught the attention of several editors. One of those editors was Rose Hilliard with St. Martin’s Press. A couple of years later, Rose actually approached me and asked if I would be interested in trying my hand at writing a YA paranormal series. The thought scared the poo out of me and that’s what closed the deal. I mean, anytime something really scares me, it sparks my stubborn spirit and I feel as I have to give it a shot, or I’m a wimp. And I’m not wimp!

Me:  When do we get to find out what Kylie's special powers are (aside from talking to ghosts)?

C.C.:  In book two, "Awake at Dawn", Kylie starts getting more and more powers. They scare her, they excite her, but mostly, they confuse her. Just what the heck is she? The answer is yet to be uncovered, but for sure, Kylie is getting closer to unearthing all her secrets.

Me:  Will we see Lucas again?

C.C.:  Oh, yes! He will definitely show back up in Book 2, and in a big way, too. Even before he returns to Shadow Falls in person, he visits Kylie in her dreams. And, wow. Are those dreams intense! Poor Kylie is more confused than ever.

Me:  For Fun: Biscotti or regular cookies?

C.C.:  Regular cookies. Chocolate chip with pecans, please!!!

Me:  How many books are going to be in the Shadow Falls series?

C.C.:  I get asked this question a lot and I wish I could give you a definite answer but I can’t. So, I’ll tell you what I tell everyone else. Namely, that I’m currently working on Book 3 and, right now, my publisher and I don’t have any plans to end the series. A lot really depends on how well "Born At Midnight" does when it releases. Let’s just say I see so many possibilities for expanding the Shadow Falls world, and I’d love to stay with these characters for as long as the readers want me to do so.

Me:  Do you have any appearances or book signings coming up?

C.C.:  Oh yes. I’m scheduling appearances and book signings almost daily, so the best way to know what’s happening is to visit the Events page at my website: But here are a few of the places I’ll be:

My launch party is April 1st, 6PM – 8PM, at Katy Budget Books in Houston, Texas.
On, April 30th, I’ll be signing at Barnes & Noble, 5656 Fairmont Parkway; Pasadena, Texas, 2:00PM to 4:00PM
I’ll be in Los Angeles, California, in April signing books at the Romantic Times BookLovers Convention and in late June, you’ll find me in New York City at the Romance Writers Convention. Oh! Almost forgot, I’ll be in Dallas giving workshops to DARA – that’s Dallas Area Romance Writers – in October.
Plus, I’m doing a special event at the Gadsden, Alabama Public Library on May 19th from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. I’m kicking off the GPL Teen Zone Summer Reading Program, and I’m really looking forward to the event.
Like I said, I’m adding events to my calendar frequently, so visit my website for the latest updates.

Me:  Do you have separate advice for YA authors as opposed to what you said in your Christie Craig interview for aspiring authors?

C.C.:  Young Adult is a different genre. Years ago, a romance author recommended that anyone writing a romance, tape a note to their computers that states, “It’s all about the romance, stupid!” That still works very well for me when I write romance, but when writing YA, I found that these books include more. They are “coming of age” stories. Yes, the romance is important but you need the family relationships, the angst of still trying to figure out who you are. They have that push-and-pull emotion of wanting to leave the nest but not quite being ready to do so. This said, because this genre is still growing by leaps and bounds, writers seem to have less restrictions on what is and isn’t acceptable. Some books are very fantasy-based, some or more romance, some are really dark, and some are very light. So, my best advice is to read widely and find the type of YA books that appeal to you. Then write the type of book that better suits your tone.

Me:  Do you have a particular way of distinguishing Christie Craig from C.C. Hunter, or is it all the same since it's the same person?

C.C.:  All I can say is that Christie Craig better not try to copy my work. LOL. Seriously, though, I think and write differently when I’m writing as C.C. Hunter than I do when I’m writing as Christie Craig. The humorous romantic suspense novels that I write for Grand Central as Christie Craig have a suspense subplot but the focus is on the romance between the hero and heroine. I usually include a secondary hero and heroine, too. The Shadow Falls series I’m writing as C.C. Hunter for St. Martin’s Griffin is a YA paranormal. So, Christie Craig books have a different tone than the C.C. Hunter books. But they also have a lot of similarities. For example, you’ll still find the same deep characterization and humor I’m known for as Christie Craig throughout the Shadow Falls books. It’s like a singer who uses the same voice when switching from country to rock, but just sings the songs in a slightly different key and style.

Me:  What's something that's the most fun about writing YA novels that's different from writing contemporary romances for adults?

C.C.:  Good question. The truth is I enjoy writing both but I have to say that I love revisiting my own past and remembering what it was like to be sixteen again. I love writing the paranormal angles and the sense of magic and how anything is possible. I’m having a blast.

Me:  For Fun: What's a favorite curl up-with-a-blanket-and-a-comfort-drink novel for you?

C.C.:  I really read across the board. I love novels that offer pure escapism. It’s not necessarily a genre, it’s a great book that takes me away. I want that book to come with a wide range of characters and emotions. I don’t want to read fluff, but neither do I want to be depressed. I want to read about characters who are struggling, but who never lose their sense of humor.

Me:  Anything else you'd like to add?

C.C.:  Absolutely. First, I’d like to thank you, Bethany, for having me at your blog to discuss my new Shadow Falls YA paranormal series. I always have a great time when I’m here.

I’d also like to share some news. To celebrate the March 29th release of "Born at Midnight", the first book in my Shadow Falls series as C.C. Hunter, I have two great giveaways.

First, is "Turned at Dawn", a short story I wrote to introduce the Shadow Falls series. It’s Della’s story and it’s about how she became a Vampire. You can score a free download from my publisher or from an online site such as BN, Borders, Sony, etc. All the details are at my website.

The second giveaway is a contest I’m hosting. The grand prize is a free Kindle and all you have to do to be eligible is tweet about the release of "Born at Midnight" from March 22th- March 29th, There will also be other prizes, too, such as copies of Born at Midnight and an ARC of Book 2, "Awake at Dawn". All the details are at my website, too.

So, please swing by and visit me at I’ve also got some fun stuff to read and download, too.

Thank you, C.C. for coming and being a guest! Always good to have you visit :-)
Have A Tantalizing Tuesday!


Terrific interview, Bethany!!
C.C. errr, Christie, I can't wait to get my hands on this book. I thought to download it to my daughter's new Kindle (her sweet 16 is TODAY) when it comes out at the end of the month, but I decided to buy it in print so you can autograph it for her. She loves the cover and is psyched about reading it...please try not to steal her away from me though, she's my biggest fan!
Best of luck with the series, though I have a feeling you won't need it!
Robin B
C.C. Hunter said…
Hi Robin,

Thanks so much. I hope your daughter loves the book, and I'll be happy to be her second best writer.

Melissa said…
Another great interview, Bethany! Can't wait for this series, C.C.!! I know both my daughters will love these, but mommy is reading them first!! LOL Wishing you lots of GREAT success!!!
Anonymous said…
Hi Melissa,

I hope your daughters love the series. And mommy does, too.

Anonymous said…
Always love Christie's interviews! Great job, ladies!!!!
Anonymous said…
Thank you, Tess!!

Bethany said…
Hey Robin,

Thanks so much. I know a teenage girl who really wanted to read C.C.'s book the moment she saw the book trailer on C.C.'s website. Next week I'll be posting my review, so you can have your daughter check it out. Thanks for supporting C.C. :-)
Bethany said…

Thank you for dropping by! I think you'll enjoy it...come back next week for my review and thanks for supporting C.C. :-)
Bethany said…

Always good to "see" you on here--thanks for dropping by and thanks for supporting C.C. :-)
Ciara Gold said…
Excellent interview! I downloaded your freebie and can't wait to read it. Here's to C.C. Hunter's successful new adventure in writing!
Anonymous said…
Thanks Ciara.

I hope you enjoy it.

Bethany said…
Hey Ciara,

Always nice to "see" you! Thanks for dropping by and supporting C.C. :-)
Tonette Joyce said…
I always enjoy your interviews,Bethany; thanks for always bringing something new into my life.
I will certainly look into the works of C.C. Hunter/Christie Craig; she sounds like fun and her books look intriguing.
Anonymous said…

Thanks so much for having me here today.

Anonymous said…

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoy my books.

Bethany said…

As always, good to "see" you. Glad you enjoy the interviews and thanks for supporting C.C. :-)
Bethany said…

Oh you know it's a joy to have you on here! Thank you so much for the interview. You've been such a blast to get to know. Looking forward to reviewing your book next week. Keep smiling and happy writing :-)

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