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Showing posts from March, 2011

Have A Cookie!

Happy Thursday Everybody, Today I'm thinking of, not the computer website ones, but the ones you eat. Specifically Oreos and Chocolate Chip Cookies. In my head the Oreo jingle plays merrily while warring with the parody Weird Al Yankovich wrote . I don't remember if I put any kind of cookie in my stories (I could be wrong, but I don't have any memory of doing that) but how many of us would identify with a character who sits down with a glass of milk  and a cookie (be it an Oreo, Chocolate Chip or any other) dunking the cookie into the milk just like a kid? (especially if said character is an adult). I know I would. Or take a Chocolate Chip Cookie and dunk it in coffee (if you haven't tried that and you like both Chocolate Chip Cookies and coffee I recommend it!) Yes, I'm a dunker of cookies. I like when they're soggy and heavy with coffee or milk (well, in my case creamer--because I don't drink regular milk too often, but that explanati...

It's Party Time!

Hey Everyone, Today's March 29th! Release day extraordinaire.   So, let's crack open those books and get this party started: Kerrelyn Sparks' Vampire Mine is now available. She's also having a launch party at Katy Budget Books .  Available at Amazon / Amazon Kindle   / Barnes & Noble / Nook / Borders  / Katy Budget Books C.C. Hunter's   Born At Midnight   is on sale, too. Her launch party is scheduled for Friday . You can get a copy of her novel at Amazon / Amazon Kindle / Barnes & Noble / Nook / Borders / Katy Budget Books Exciting times around here. Let me know if any of you are going to be at either party. Even if you can't make it to the party(ies) you can always purchase your copy of the books. Do you know of any other releases coming out today? Be sure to share them...include the author and title :-) Have A Tremendous Tuesday!

Dancing Dogs, A Gorgeous Website & TV

Happy Monday All, I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! My weekend was fun, was yours? During the weekend I finished a novel by Susan Donovan entitled Take A Chance On Me . I really enjoyed this book. It had a disco dancing Chinese Crested dog in it. An attorney and a vet were the romance part of it. The vet was an animal behavorist. Horses were mentioned, which was very fun for me (I used to take horse back riding lessons). The only thing missing was a couple of fluffy opinionated cats...oh well...maybe the next Susan Donovan book I read? Either way, I plan to read more books by this author. The book was funny, suspenseful, romantic, and imaginative. As for the Gorgeous Website part of the title...that refers to my critique partner, Tess St. John's website. Tess is amazing. Not only is she a wonderful critique partner, good for discussing ideas, but she's also a  talented author. She'll be putting her work out soon, and I hope you all will take this o...

In Your Dreams

Happy Friday All, Nina Cordoba has a new release. Not Dreaming Of You is something I've been looking forward to being released because I was quite curious about this one and it looked like fun. I've purchased my copy, now I invite you to do the same. It's available on Kindle and Nook . I also recommend checking out another author. He is the hound at Four Foxes One Hound Blog . He posted on Thursday about books and their influences on a writer , which is a really great post (and yes, I did comment there).  Question of the day:  What do you dream about? Have A Fantastic Friday!

The Parade Keeps Marching On...

Happy Wednesday All, Congratulations to Tess on being the winner of yesterday's C.C. Hunter giveaway ! Thank you to everyone who participated in the drawing and a special thank you to C.C. for donating a copy of Born At Midnight for that drawing.'s the scoop... We got some awesome, awesome stuff in the works. C.C. Hunter's Born At Midnight and Kerrelyn Sparks' Vampire Mine both come out on March 29th.  April is going to see another official review (can't reveal just yet the author or the novel) and another author interview (not revealing that author's name on here, yet, either). Plus I'm going to be plugging a new website, and gearing up for a huge give away for probably some time in May (this give away is massive!) I'm working on my own novels, of course. Buffing, polishing, writing, brainstorming. Okay, today's question: (in light of yesterday's review) which do you prefer: shape shifters or vampires? Have A Whimsica...

Extreme Identity Crisis

Happy Tuesday Everyone, THE CONTEST PORTION OF THIS POST IS NOW CLOSED! At last! The day I review C.C. Hunter’s YA series, book one, Born At Midnight is here. Some of you (that I’ve talked to personally) know how I feel about this book; others, are unaware. Either way, I plan to give you a taste of what C.C.’s Shadow Falls series (well at least book one) is like: Teenage years are hard enough, but when you face your parents’ divorce, losing your boyfriend (just because you wouldn’t have sex with the jerk), a therapist who recommends some camp you never heard of, plus you and your best friend aren’t exactly as close as you used to be all at once, it can be a recipe for a really bad day. For Kylie Galen, it most definitely is one heck of a crappy day. Kylie soon learns that Shadow Falls, the camp she's sent to, isn’t quite what she thought it would be. Vampires, werewolves, shape shifters, and fae running around…straight out of the imagination. How can such things be rea...


Hi All, Yes, I'm double-posting (let's say it'll make up for any day/days I've missed). C.C. Hunter has a novella (short story) out that you can get on Kindle and and Nook for FREE! It's called Turned A Dark . I've got it downloaded and I'm reading it--so far all I can say is that it's definitely a good addition for those of you who are waiting on the ShadowFalls Born At Midnight to be released (it'll tide you over until March 29th--for a little while at least). It's a win-win situation for everyone :-) Have A Merry Monday Afternoon/Evening!

It's Reading Time

Happy Monday All, Recently I read Susan Elizabeth Phillips' Ain't She Sweet?   I know what you're's the same thing I think each time I read the title... that song by the same title.  The book was funny and fun. I enjoyed it.  So what have you read lately that's funny or fun (or both)? Tomorrow I'm posting a book review--some of you know what it is--the rest of you, here's a BIG hint:  it has to do with the author who's interview I posted last week. I've been looking forward to this review for awhile. I won't go into the reasons (I'll save that for the review), but I'm telling you...well, you'll see. Hope everyone had a great weekend! Have A Marvelous Monday!

Hey Look, I Blend Into The Wallpaper!

Happy Friday All, I'm sorry I'm late putting up a post, but I hope I can make it up to you with this one. You probably wouldn't believe me if I said this, but there's a lot of authors in the biz who are very shy. Happily ensconced in their rooms/offices writing, they can let their heroes be brave, bold, incredibly macho men, and the women are soft, sweet, but also with a fire in their hearts (whether it's at the beginning, middle or end). But they have to take several deep breaths and push themselves forward when approaching the unknown. The thing is, we can't live our lives on the sidelines. Authors especially can't do that because we have to network, we have to pitch, we have to greet fans and readers. We have to constantly put ourselves out there. Our stories and online presence are the ice breakers, but we're the main event--we're the ones who have to take that step and put the story out there first --for if we don't, it won't get o...

St. Patrick Green

Happy Thursday All, A very Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone. Hope you're wearing something green! As far as I know, there's no Irish in my blood; but I do have an appreciation for the Irish people--I've met a few and they're fun, funny and wonderful folks. There's often a lot of myth associated with St. Patrick, but tries hard to give factual information about this elusive man (who was a real person, by the way). Wikepedia has some information as well .  The Catholic Encyclopedia also has information on St. Patrick. So what green thing are you wearing today? Have A Tip Top Thursday!

What A Beast!

Happy Wednesday All, I know, I'm posting later in the day than I normally do. I was having trouble coming up with a topic when I would've normally posted. Most of you all know I'm a huge fairy tale fan. I've read a bunch of them, I've read a ton of re-tellings and I've got fantasy and paranormal elements in my own stories. Recently I saw the movie Beastly . I had first heard of this re-telling some time ago when I found it in the library ( find out more about the book here ). I liked it so much I ended up getting my own copy . I've read it more than once. Then I found out it was going to be a movie. The author, Alex Flinn , saw the movie and liked it and I decided to go with a friend of mine. We really enjoyed the movie. Now, of course several things were changed (minor) because it's hard to compact about 300 page book into an hour 1/2 to 2 hour movie. Let's face it, for the sake of condensing things will get changed or dropped. However, tha...

Spotlight On Author: C.C. Hunter

Happy Tuesday All, Join me in welcoming C.C. Hunter ... whom you might remember as Christie Craig. As C.C. Hunter, she's entering the world of YA Paranormal series and I'm pleased and honored to be able to introduce this side of her to you. Me:   What made you decide to change genres to YA paranormal? C.C.:  I’ve always loved ghost stories. I actually wrote one romance with a ghost story subplot. Then, several years back, before I sold my first humorous romantic suspense to Dorchester, I had written a humorous paranormal romance. I loved writing it. And while it didn’t sell, it caught the attention of several editors. One of those editors was Rose Hilliard with St. Martin’s Press. A couple of years later, Rose actually approached me and asked if I would be interested in trying my hand at writing a YA paranormal series. The thought scared the poo out of me and that’s what closed the deal. I mean, anytime something really scares me, it sparks my stubborn spirit a...

The Classics Never Die

Happy Monday All, The Sy-Fy (that's how they spell it) Channel was doing a showing of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back , so, of course, my husband, being a Star Wars fan sat and watched (I was in and out, because part of the time I was napping and the other part I was doing other things). But it occurred to me: we [my husband and I] don't always watch those 3 movies that came out in the 70's/80's (even though we own them on DVD) but anytime they are on, we'll watch. We can quote them almost word for word, we know exactly what's going to happen, but it doesn't change the fact it's a great story. What is it about movies and books like Star Wars that invokes that starry-eyed "I LOVED THAT!" response in us? Sometimes we can say "Oh, great story, great characters." Other times it's something intangible. When a person says ,"'Tis a far, far better thing I do..." immediately (anyone who's either seen the movie...

What To Call Yourself?

Happy Friday All, I would've posted this earlier, but I wasn't feeling well last night. I'm doing better today, though. (YAY!) Yesterday, NWHRWA's President, Jenn, was on Four Foxes One Hound Blog posting about calling oneself a writer. It's a great post, by the way, and I give Jeff (the hound) a lot of credit for hosting Jenn . She's smart and funny and most definitely a writer. The other blog post I wanted to talk about was NWHRWA's Vice President, Stacey, being hosted by Jenn on Muse Tracks . Stacey is also very funny and smart. She and Jenn have a great dynamic working together to head up NWHRWA . When I grow up I want to be a published author. I'm already an adult, so one down, one to go! Question for the day:  What did you want to be when you grew up? Did you end up being what you wanted to be, or did you change your mind? Have A Fantastic Friday!

A March Release & Superman

Happy Thursday Everyone, Another author who had a March release is P.J. Mellor. P.J. Mellor released her new erotica, Island Nights  at Amazon  and Amazon Kindle  and Barnes & Noble .   ( Island Nights was released on March 1st, so it's available). Apparently March is a big month for releases this year. I know of at at least four or five (including the ones I've talked about in previous posts) not to mention others that you, my readers, know about. Now...onto the question for the day:  What actor do you think makes the best Super-Man? ( There's been several --you have to arrow down awhile to get to the DC Comics table and then it's in alphabetical order). (You'll have to forgive me, lately I've been watching my DVD set of Lois & Clark: Season 4 --I definitely love a good romantic tale...but anyway, that's the reason for this particular question of the day). Have A Thrilling Thursday!

Keep Growing

Happy Wednesday All, Happy Lent to all who are starting that time of year. Hope you have a good one. I always thought that was an oxymoron (I love the word "oxymoron" by the way) until I understood what it meant to have a "good Lent". It means growing and learning about oneself and working on becoming a better person--so when you do that, it's a good thing, right? So, that's why I say Happy Lent. And, even if you aren't a Lent practitioner, there's still something to be said for growing as a person. For learning from your mistakes and trying to be a better person. Okay, so on another note, what are you reading these days? (if you look in the margin of this blog it'll tell you what I'm reading). Have A Wonderful Wednesday!

Who's That???

Happy Tuesday All, Well it's "Shrove Tuesday" or, some prefer to call it "Mardis Gras" which means "Fat Tuesday" (the day before Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent). I really don't do anything to mark the day per se. I mean, I have a book with meditations and it has somethings to think about for this day, but I don't do anything big to mark the day. Do you? Annette McCleave on SILK & SHADOWS blog, has interesting post about characters and what they look like , which has  gotten me thinking about how I imagine characters when I read a book. Often times I don't have the same "vision" as the author of the book I'm reading, but generally, when I go back to the character description I realize I probably left out a detail when I pictured the character in my head. It's funny thing, imagination. Sometimes it leads you down a great path and things "click" other times you wonder what went wrong. Authors ...

What's That In The Snow?

Happy Monday All, Before I get started on today's topic, just letting anyone who doesn't have a Nook or Kindle that Melissa Ohnoutka's Faithful Deceptions is now available in print! Last week I started reading Cheri Jetton's Crimson Snow. Cheri has written a  romantic suspense that people who don't normally read suspense would enjoy picking up. Ex-Cop Daniel Leeds thought he had left the horrors of the street when he moved into the Upper Peninsula of Michigan ("The U.P." which is what Michiganders call it--just ask my Michigan relatives and my parents, who are from Michigan). What he didn't expect was to find his neighbor's sister unconscious in the snow...bleeding. Being a good guy, he immediately helps her (calls an ambulance, stays with her at the hospital until her brother and sister-in-law gets there, talks to her in a soothing voice). While Sara is willing to explore her interest in him, Dan finds himself fighting his attraction t...

Fiction & Reality

Hey Everyone, Sorry about not posting yesterday. My offspring wasn't feeling well and didn't sleep very well in the night (consequently neither did my husband or me). Offspring felt better during the day. We went to the doc's office and ran some errands and today husband has off and is hanging out with offspring, which means I'll have a chance to finish reading Cheri Jetton's e-book, Crimson Snow, (41 pages left!) on my e-reader. It's good and I recommend it (you can get it on Nook or Kindle). I talked about Cheri's story on Wednesday . So, here's the question for the day (and weekend) does fiction mimic reality? Obviously, as far as I'm concerned, not completely. I have a type of shape shifter in my fantasy romance (with paranormal elements) novel, but my husband isn't a shape shifter (at least I've never seen him do it). But he did do something the hero of my novel, Surreal does. He made a promise to be there for me and he has been...

Much Ado About Big Happenings

Happy Wednesday Everyone, Bear with me, there is a lot to talk about: Robin Badillo has a brand new paranormal series coming out, the first one was released on March 1, 2011 entitled Blood Hunter: The Beginning   Her paranormal romance, Journey Of The Damned Triology books are available on Kindle .  The first 2 in the Trilogy are available in Multiformat from Fictionwise  (Fictionwise is a Barnes & Noble company, but you can't search their catalog on the Barnes & Noble website). Or you can go to her publisher, Devine Destinies . (Her books are only out as e-books). (I'm working out how to get it on my E-reader so I haven't read her work yet, but I have it on my list of books to read--but let me tell you, she's told me a little about her work and it sounds intriguing!) I am starting Cheri Jetton's new Romantic Suspense, Crimson Snow. You can get it on Kindle or Nook . (I can't tell you much about it because I just started reading it!) The...

You'll Never Know What's Next...

Happy Tuesday Everyone, Over the weekend I read Melissa Ohnoutka's Faithful Deceptions , which, I talked about not too long ago . Let me tell you...I was totally unprepared for the adrenaline ride her romantic suspense took me on. She grabs hold of you and refuses to let go until the last page. Entering this book takes the reader on one heck of a wild ride. Author Melissa Ohnoutka opens Faithful Deceptions  with a prologue where readers find Hailey trying to wake up from...? Is she in a coma? Also, what's with the green eyes? As you get into the rest of the novel you find yourself wondering what happens when you take revenge into your own hands? And, w ill Hailey even live to find out? What about Roark--the mysterious man who claims to be her husband? Is a happy ending actually possible in the midst of everything? Or is it just another deception among many? To find out, dear readers, you will have to pick up your copy of  Faithful Deceptions...