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Contest Day: Wishing Wand Wednesday

Happy Wednesday All,

So far I've had a prize to give away every day this week...however, you never know what prize that will be, so I hope everyone is coming back each day to see what it is.

Congratulations goes to Susan for winning yesterday's prize! You'll be receiving your PDF copy of Ciara Gold's The Keeper Of Moon Haven soon. Thank you to everyone who participated/commented in yesterday's Tantalizingly Tempting Tuesday of Write By Bethany's 25+ Followers Celebration.

Let's see if we can kick it up a notch today...

As always, please be sure to read the entire post, thanks!

Today, I'm pleased to announce the prize is donated by Will Simon, whom I interviewed in October of 2010. Will is kindly donating a copy of Murder By Magic, in which he has a short story. I've read it and it's a really good story about a couple that solve mysteries using their paranormal gifts.

So here's how today will be run...

FIRST: As usual, give me your first name or a nickname.

SECOND:  You must include your email address (or else you'll be disqualified, and I don't want to disqualify anyone!)

THIRD:  For Fun:  If you could have any paranormal powers (or what kind of  paranormal being) would you want to have?

One entry per person. The contest closes today at 9:30 p.m. Central Time (if I'm late closing the contest, I won't disqualify late entries, but any entry after I close the contest won't be counted). (9:30 p.m. Central time means 7:30 p.m. PACIFIC and 10:30 p.m. EASTERN).

Please be sure your email inbox is able to receive emails from since that's the email I'll be using to notify the winner.

Tomorrow (Thursday) I'll announce who the winner is before I introduce the contest/prize for Thursday.

If you have any questions, please email me.

Have A Wand-er-Ful Wednesday!


Suzan Harden said…
Hey Bethany!

Don't enter me, but tell Will he still needs to write the Jonathon and Emma novel. NOW!
Anonymous said…
I'm with Suzan (already have the book)...the short story is so wonderful, J & E need their own book!

Oh, I would want to be a witch (like Samantha from Bewitched)! I would want to just be able to twitch my nose and end world hunger...twitch my nose and bring world peace...or snap my fingers and get from one place to another!
Bethany said…

It was a good story wasn't it? Tell others to enter today's far I don't have any entries :-( Anyway...shall we start a campaign? LOL :-)
Bethany said…

That would be fun wouldn't it? LOL I knew you had the mentioned something about it before. It's a good story Will wrote :-)
Melissa said…
Gosh, I have this book as well! And Will's story is AWESOME! :)

Hmmm...I guess I would want the power to clone myself. LOL Having a bit of trouble being everywhere I need to lately. :)
Bethany said…

LOL I don't know if I've personally wanted to clone myself...sometimes I feel that way, though :-)
Anonymous said…

It's a toss up I would either want to be super fast so I could just get places quickly-but if I had that power I would just be tripping over everything and hurting myself, or I would want to have the ability to turn invisible so that I could just hide and vanish and of course be super sneaky
LOL, I have the book, too, I think. Anyway, wow, what paranormal power would I want? I'm with Tess....Samantha's powers. I always thought it would be cool to be able to twitch your nose and have a clean house!
Bethany said…

LOL I really liked your comment!

Thank you for your entry, I've put your name in the box for the drawing :-)
Bethany said…
I received an email from someone who was unable to post a comment on here (she tried more than once and it kept not posting it, which I haven't figured out WHY that happened...I've already started looking into it). I'm putting said person's name in the drawing. The first name is Debbie.

If anyone else experiences that problem, please email me and I'll see if I can help you or we'll work something out.

Thank you for your patience :-)
Bethany said…

That would be really helpful to clean house...I think for that reason, I'd want Samatha's powers, too...I don't know if it would work for World Peace and end wars, but if it did, that would be cool, like Tess said :-)
Bethany said…

I have 2 entries, so I'm going to go ahead and close the drawing for tonight. Stay tuned and check tomorrow's blog post for what prize is being given away and who won today's :-)
Bethany said…
Okay, I have a winner I'll say who it is on tomorrow's post :-)

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