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Fall Destination: Lone Star Conference

Happy Wednesday All,

All right, before I get on topic, I got a quick question (and of course the question at the end of the post, too):  anyone keeping up with the show Castle on CBS? I used to, then I got interested in other things on TV. So now I don't know what's going on with Castle.

Now that I got that out of the way...

Okay, maybe I'm just being a little ahead of myself, but I'm already gearing up for the NWHRWA's annual Lone Star Conference (October 15, 2011). Three agents, and an editor are coming, not to mention the keynote speaker sounds very interesting. I am hoping to finish my edits for Surreal so I can pitch. I have a draft of a pitch written up to help me get started, but I'll have to go over it. You do not, and I repeat, you do not have to write romance to come to our conference.

I had a rhyming sales pitch for the Lone Star Conference written up here, but it got out of hand and very cheesy, so I deleted understand. Ahhhh! I can't get away from the rhymes. I feel very The Princess Bride -ish--if you click on the title of the movie it'll take you to The Princess Bride Official Website--who knew there was one? I didn't! Anyway, Fezzik and Inigo would be so proud!

Some details about the Conference:  As far as I know, it's okay if you don't write Romance. For instance, as far as I know, if you don't write Romance, but you write thriller or mystery or YA or westerns or suspense or women's fiction or literary fiction--it's may attend the conference (so far I haven't been told otherwise, and we often have non-romance writers come). Just keep in mind the agents and editor do have their preferences so what you write will determine who you can pitch to.

So, while we're on the subject...if you're a writer what do you write and are you published? If you're a reader, what do you like to read?

Have A Western-Wear Wednesday! (you know you wanna wear cowboy boots).


Anonymous said…
Oh,BOY, am I a reader! You could say that I had been a compulsive reader, but I have controled myself,(mostly!).I married a compulsive reader,and we are both bibliophiles...we are adding more bookshelves very soon...don't ask me what will become of all of these when we are gone.
I used to say that I read everything but romance novels and now for the last 5 years,that certainly is not true! I have been known to read cereal boxes if that is all that is in front of me.
I have had an article published in an e-zine, [New Cougar] , some of my traditional poetry in last year's [premiere] and this year's St.Jude Shrine Book of Inspirations. I am waiting to hear back, as I was contacted by USA Weekend, about a story that I placed on a blog where they considered doing a follow-up article on 'Unfinished Business'. Some of my work was test-marketed by Blue Mountain Cards...I have submitted a story and my less-traditional poetry to two publications,with no takers yet, but I need to send it to more, really work at it, as I believe in them.I have been working on a book for many years off and on, but there are other stories in the stolen hours, LOL!
If things settle down just a smidgeon here,I would get more done...I'll let you know when I become rich and famous!LOL!
J.D. Faver said…
Hi Bethany!
I always enjoy reading your posts. If I can offer some information to Tonette, I would suggest she check out Bay Area Writer's League because there are a ton of poets who know what's going on in the poetry world. Since I don't have a poetic bone in my body, this all whizzes right over my head. They also have a 2X a month critique group with poetry as well as fiction and non-fic readings.
Just thought I would offer this FWIW.
Lark Howard said…
Hi Bethany!
Great post. I just want to add that I met my agent at a Lone Star conference and think it's a wonderful venue for getting to know agents and editors.
Bethany said…

You might think of coming to the Lone Star if you're writing a novel. I always pick up something interesting at those conferences. Plus everyone is very encouraging and supportive. Thank you for dropping by :-)
Bethany said…

Thank you for doing that for Tonette, I'm sure she appreciates it. I am very honored you enjoy my posts. That means a lot to me. Best wishes on your releases...I'm very interested to read "Painted Lady", it looks like fun. Thank you for dropping by :-)
Bethany said…

Thank you for dropping by, it was sweet of you to come here. What do you write? That is so awesome that you got your agent from one of the Lone Star Conferences. I've enjoyed them the times I've gone :-)
Anonymous said…
Thanks,I appreciate the thought...I have been pretty tied-up, but I am going next week to see my last surviving aunt and assorted cousins on my father's side,and one on my mothers...I have not seen any of them in many, many years. I may make it to Texas one day...hope so!
Anonymous said…
PS.Thanks, June...Bay Area...would love day...

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