Happy Thursday Folks, Well, Easter's coming fast (are Lent and Holy Week already almost over.? Wow, time flies). I probably won't post a blog for Friday since it's Good Friday and I observe the day. But, don't worry, I plan to be back. Now onto this week's updates: Fellow blogger, author and friend, Marsha , gave me a new award--the Blogger Buddie Award. Very nice and thank you very much, Marsha! :-) (You can see this new award in the margin on your right). I'm still working on this new story idea. Right now trying to formulate the beginning. It's slow going, but I'm sure eventually everything will "click" into place. Oh and we have a huge amounts of contests happening: Fellow blogger and author, J.J. has reported on some contests happening . Fellow blogger and author, Shannon O'Donnell also is reporting on a contest (arrow down to her March 29, 2010 post). Fellow blogger and author, Bane reported on this contest happening (looks like a pre...