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It's Saturday

Morning All,

Well, I did a rather not-so-brilliant thing. I pulled a muscle in my shoulder this morning at 6:30 a.m. Since it was hot in my bedroom, and my shoulder was in pain, I was unable to go back to sleep. I got up and had my husband massage it a little bit and took an Advil. My husband wanted to show me a stretch, but I had been up several times in the night because of our son, so I was tired, hot and sore. So I opted against seeing the stretch since I was falling asleep on my feet. I went to turn down the air conditioner and laid on the floor in my son's room for a bit, since it was closest to the thermostat until I had the energy to go back to my bed.

My shoulder is better. My son slept in so I was able to get more sleep (and be way more awake than I was at 6:30). I'm thinking heating pad today! But at least it's not as bad. I can move my arm and my shoulder, it's just a pulled muscle. I was trying to turn over in the bed and apparently was rough with the muscle.

In any case, Conjure A Man is making progress and my editor (Debbie) answered some questions I had regarding Surreal and I'm thinking of ways of how to improve both mss-es. So it looks like things are moving along. Yay :-)

Yesterday I went up to my high school Alma mater to pick up my son's God sister who's going there. I went to my 11th grade English Teacher's classroom to ask her about if the school ever considered having a unpublished or published author to come speak for Career Day. She said she wasn't sure and told me who talk to. So, we'll see what they say. (I would've LOVED to have seen a novelist, editor, agent, publisher come speak when I was in high school. But when I was there I don't recall seeing any of those choices on the list of possible careers--but hey,that doesn't mean they won't--maybe it never came up). I know that some of the people I've graduated with came back and spoke on Career Day. It was cool--I mean I didn't hear their talks, but I saw pictures.

So, what's on your list for Saturday?

Have A Successful Saturday! (Full of fun, too).


Stephanie Faris said…
Okay, so I have to ask...what were you doing at 6:30 a.m. on a Saturday to pull a shoulder muscle? I hope it's feeling better.
Bethany said…

It's gonna sound weird, but seriously, I was turning over on the bed. My son had woken up from a nightmare or something in the night and opted to fall asleep in our bed. I was afraid of waking him, so I was moving very carefully. Unfortunately, not carefully enough because somehow my shoulder muscle ended up getting pulled. It's better now, but still tender. My husband massaged it and showed me a stretch. Been laying on the heating pad and being gentle with it. LOL I'm a klutz.

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