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Spotlight On Author: Nancy Gideon

Happy Thursday All,

**Contest portion of this post is now officially closed.**

I enjoy every author interview I post on here for different reasons. This author's writing is what I term "tight". She writes in such a fashion that not only does she keep track of the main story, but she's able to weave several side stories without getting lost. You never quite know what's going to happen next when you enter this author's world of New Orleans Mob, a sassy strong-willed dectective, "preternatural"'s enough to send shivers down your back. And all of it is from the talented pen/keyboard of author Nancy Gideon.

So, let me introduce you to Nancy Gideon, author of the Moonlight series (Adult Romance), which has a brand new one coming out July 26, 2011. However, Nancy has graciously offered to giveaway a copy of her up coming release, Bound By Moonlight as well as a "book thong" to one lucky blog commenter (I'll tell you at the end of the interview how to enter). Please be sure to read the contest information at the END of the interview--I'm doing the contest slightly differently than I normally do, so you don't want to miss some information.

So without further ado, here's Nancy Gideon...

Me:  Bound By Moonlight is your newest release and number 4 in the By Moonlight series. Can you tell us a little bit about it and about the By Moonlight series in general?

Nancy: The first four books in my dark paranormal series for Pocket follow the same hero and heroine. Sexy shape-shifter Max Savoie inherits a criminal empire from his former mentor and a clan of New Orleans Shifters who believe he’s their prophesied leader. Charlotte Caissie is a tough-as-nails homicide detective who is trying to reconcile her devotion to duty with her love for Max. Coming to terms with their dark pasts and the threat of Max’s secret escaping are complicated by Cee Cee’s undercover work to catch a serial killer. BOUND BY MOONLIGHT can be read independently of the earlier books, but readers be cautioned: You’ll want them all.

Me:  You have 4 books in the By Moonlight series so far, how many are you planning to have total?

Nancy:  I’ve got two more written and sold: HUNTER OF SHADOWS which will be out November 29, 2011 and Book 6 which isn’t titled yet that will be out in July, 2012. These books feature the same By Moonlight world but have different heroes and heroines the readers will recognize from the earlier books. And Max and Cee Cee will make appearances as strong secondary characters.

Me:  For fun: What's your favorite way to unwind?

Nancy:  I’m a Netflix addict. I take to the couch with a warm cat and a good movie to lose myself in someone else’s imagination. Working out and cleaning house also free up the creative muse, but Netflix is more fun. Unless there’s a warm beach handy.

Me:  What sparked the By Moonlight series and is there a particular muse involved?

Nancy:  I had a publisher interested in a werewolf proposal I’d submitted. They loved the prologue . . . but wanted everything else changed, from the characters to the plotline. While I was brainstorming a new Chapter One, I started writing the scene with Cee Cee at the grisly crime scene where the Prologue left off, and just started typing. The story unfolded so fast, I was three books in before I realized it, all without the kind of outline I’d always structured my books upon. The thought of my ADD/OCD self wandering about in the creative realm without a road map still mystifies me to this day. But there was something about Max . . .

Me:  What advice do you have for aspiring authors?

Nancy:  Butt in chair, first and foremost. You have to get it written before you can edit it and send to out. Stick with it and don’t get discouraged. Sometimes rejection is just a matter of trend or timing, and has nothing to do with the quality of the work. Have a good support system of either a writers or critique group or online buddies, someone who knows what a writer goes through and who can talk you off the ledge of discouragement.

Me:  You have other books you've written both under your Nancy Gideon and other names. Are there any among them that stands out in your mind and why?

Nancy:  I’ve enjoyed all of my 50+ books and each is special in its own way. My favorite characters will always be Max from the By Moonlight series and Harm Bass from my Dana Ransom historical Texas series for Zebra that helped me get a Career Achievement for Historical Adventure award from Romantic Times Magazine because they were so unpredictable. And then there’s the silkily vicious Gerard from my Midnight vampire series. I probably had the most fun writing the upcoming HUNTER OF SHADOWS book because the hero and heroine play so wonderfully off each other. He’s an intense Shifter cop and she’s an assassin. Lots of sparks and action.

Me:  For Fun: What types of movies do you like?

Nancy:  I’m an action/adventure junkie. I love the mindless adrenaline rush, but it’s got to have enough plot and character development to ground my attention. I also enjoy a twisty tale like LA CONFIDENTIAL, the slick paranormal gloss of CONSTANTINE, and the always heart-tugging THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT. I’ll watch anything that can snag my restless ADD eye, but my inner-editor won’t always let me stick with it.

Me:  Can you tell us a little about your journey from unpublished writer to published writer?

Nancy:  I’d always written stories but had never completed a book until after I quit the work force to have my first son. I started out in the early ‘80s when romance was huge. I’d written four complete historical novels before finding the courage to pick the best one to send in. This was before the Internet, and the only thing I knew about the publishing industry was what I read in the Fiction Writers Market at the local library. I can’t believe I made that first sale as ignorant as I was about the craft and the business. (I wrote my first six books out in long hand than typed them up on my Smith Corolla complete with correction tape.) The proposal for that first book went out to four publishers at random, and in two weeks Zebra called to ask for a complete. It wasn’t even typed! In less than two months, I got The Call to buy it and they wanted to see anything else I had. I sold another of those original four books, and consistently thereafter, starting out without a writers group or an agent or with any contact with any other author. Now I’ve got a great critique group and am plowing my way into the Social Media arena.

Me:  What's does the future hold for you as far as you and your writing?

Nancy: I’m up for anything. I’m hoping to go back to contract with Pocket soon for more paranormals and would like to continue expanding the BY MOONLIGHT world. I’m also looking at ways to get my 50+ book backlist into at least e-format for readers who may have missed them.

Me:  Do you have any upcoming appearances?

Nancy:  Next week is the release week for BOUND BY MOONLIGHT, which will be on the stands on July 26. I’ve got tons of fun stuff planned and will be all over the blog-verse. I’ve got lots of contests and giveaways in the works!

Check for times and places on my website at or on FaceBook and Twitter. To launch my blog at as well as my book, I’ve got a weeklong scavenger hunt planned with a mondo prize attached. Check the blog for details!

Me:  Anything else you'd like to add?

Nancy:  I’d like to thank my editor and Pocket Books for letting me go outside the box with the first four books of this series. These were the Books of My Heart and I so appreciate the risk they took!

Thank you so much, Nancy Gideon, for the onto the contest:

Please be sure to include first name and email address if you enter by commenting on here.

EMAIL ENTRIES:  If you want to email your entry, there is only ONE email address I will be accepting emailed entries and that is:  Put NANCY GIDEON CONTEST in the subject line.

All you have to do is comment in the comment section or email me to enter.

I'll close the contest at 10:30 p.m. CENTRAL Time.

Have A Thrilling Thursday!


Great interview! Nancy, you are an inspiration to aspiring writers! I can't wait to read this new book! You are so right about the 'butt in chair'! You can't edit a blank page :)
Good interview about writing! And some good advice. Would love to win a copy of the books.

harvee44 (at)
Ren said…
Oh, yay, can't wait for Bound by Moonlight! I read 3 previous book of By Moonlight series and love them all, definitely want to read this too. Max and CeeCee is another my favorite couple, love how they make their relationship work. Thanks for the interview and giveaway!

sawamura_foxman AT yahoo DOT com
Anonymous said…
Thank you,Bethany, for another author interview that is an encouragement to we who write and for introducing me to Nancy Gideon and her works; I am looking forward to reading her.
You know me, I'm always up for a contest!
Bethany said…
Jennifer L.,

Thank you for dropping by! Nancy is a very talented author and I loved reading her answers to my interview questions. I've got you written down to be entered into tonight's drawing. I hope you'll be coming back to visit Write By Bethany again :-)
Bethany said…

Thank you for dropping by and for your comment. I've got you written down to be entered into tonight's drawing. I hope you'll come back to visit Write By Bethany again :-)
Bethany said…
P.S. To JENNIFER L.: I don't have your email address. Could you please either email me at or include it on here? Thank you :-)
Bethany said…

I know what you mean. I'm looking forward to reading BOUND BY MOONLIGHT myself (although since I'm hosting the giveaway I disqualified myself because I didn't think it would be fair if the owner of the blog won). Hope you'll come back again to Write By Bethany--thank you for dropping by :-)
Bethany said…

Well you're in luck...I've got you written down to be entered into tonight's drawing, so who knows? Maybe you'll be the winner. I never know until I draw the name. Thank you for dropping by. I hope you'll come by again to Write By Bethany :-)
Bethany said…

No problem! She's talented. As always, thank you for dropping by. I have you written down to be entered for tonight's drawing :-)
angel said…
It was a very ibteresting interview. I am glad that it was done because everyone geta to learm more about her. I cannot wait for the book!

Margaret whelehan
Nancy Gideon said…
It's Bethany who made me look good with such fun questions! Had a great time visiting and getting to know you!
Bethany said…

I'm glad you enjoyed it! I love getting to know my fellow authors, so everytime I do an interview it's a real treat. Thank you for dropping by. I have your name entered for tonight's drawing. Please be sure to visit Write By Bethany again soon :-)
Bethany said…

I'm glad you enjoyed the questions. I don't think you need my help to look good--your work speaks for you--you're very talented. I'm honored you agreed to do the interview. Thank you so much and I am looking forward to reading BOUND BY MOONLIGHT. Hope you'll get to come visit me here on Write By Bethany to read other posts :-)
Bethany said…
All right, the contest portion of this post is now officially CLOSED. Thank you to everyone who emailed and stopped and commented. Thank you, Nancy Gideon, for the interview and giveaway :-)

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