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Great Jewelry Giveaway Wednesday: Finding Hidden Treasures

Happy Wednesday All,

The contest portion of this blog post is now closed. However, you can enjoy the rest of the post.

Yesterday's The Shadows Are Falling Jewelry Winner is Donna Marie! Congratulations to Donna Marie and I hope you enjoy the ShadowFalls #1 Necklace and Earrings Set.

Never fear, readers...the week continues and so does the author/jewelry pairings...

Tea Trelawny (accent on the e in Tea) has an erotic story out called Hidden Treasure: Lara Lacy inherits a Victorian home, a ghost and a possible treasure. But too many fake mediums have convinced her that anyone claiming to communicate with ghosts is a liar—including Lara’s inventive lover Nate Hoffmann. Of course, his seductive ways tempt her to change her mind. Stripped bare—in all ways possible—the lovers engage in deep exploration and eager discovery—of the physical and paranormal type.

Tea commissioned that Kathy of Beadmore Designs make her an antique looking necklace that's so exquisite you won't be able to help but feel gorgeous while wearing it. It's made to look like Rubies & Diamonds:

"Ruby & Diamond" Hidden Treasure Necklace <--click here to see a bigger photo of necklace

Hidden Treasure by Tea Trelawny cover
You can enter to win the "Ruby & Diamond" Hidden Treasure necklace one of two ways:


A:  Post your name and email address in the comment section. You must use the words "hidden" and "treasure" in a sentence (get creative!) with your comment to qualify to be entered in the drawing.

Or you can...

B.  Email me an email but you must use the words "hidden" and "treasure" in a sentence (use your imagination!) in order to qualify to be entered in the drawing.

EDIT (3:15 p.m. Central Time):  I thought I had this in here, but Tea just sent me an email asking about when I was closing today's drawing.  I will be closing today's drawing at 10:00 p.m. Central Time. At that time I will come on here and put a comment in the comment section and officially close the contest. Then I will draw the winner and send the winner an email. I will announce who the winner of tonight's drawing is on Thursday's post. I apologize for any confusion.

A couple of things to note:

I will not be accepting any anonymous entries for the drawings this week. If you do not wish to provide an email in the comment section, then send me your entry by emailing me.

There's been questions about International Entries:  The answer is that it's up to whoever is mailing the prize. If you are OUTSIDE the United States Of America, then email me your entry and let me know what country you're from and I'll see what we can do if you win the drawing.

Any other questions? Send me an email :-)

Have A Wonderful Wednesday!


Hi, Bethany. I've been meaning to check in on your blog all week, I finally made it. And it's too late at night to be Hmmm, Hidden Treasures in a sentence, huh? "Life is full of hidden treasures; it's your responsibility to uncover them."

BTW, I want to see the King's Speech, too. I tried to see at the theater, but too much was going on in life. My daughter bought it for me for Mother's Day.....I am forcing myself to wait until then to watch it!
Stacey Purcell said…
The ancient text showed the treasure hidden behind a natural door deep beneath the ocean's surface. What was a natural door? How would she find what others have missed for two centuries?

Great words to play with! These lines are actually taken from my second novel that I started during NaNo. Thanks for letting me play.
Tea- The book looks great. I've never read erotica before, I think this will be a wonderful place to start.
From the "hidden" depths of Ruby Land a warm hello to everyone! The marvelous "treasure" of a prize your offering is a rare find and will be treasured like diamonds if won.
Bethany said…
Anna Kathryn--

Hey good to "see" you on here. Hope you enjoy "The King's Speech". One of my sisters saw it and says it's awesome. I've got your email on file, so you're all entered for tonight's drawing! Thank you for dropping by :-)
Bethany said…
Stacey P.,

Too cool! I've got your email on file, too. Thank you for dropping by :-)
Bethany said…
Ooops forgot to tell Stacey P.--I've got you entered for tonight's drawing.
Bethany said…

Cleverly done! I've got you entered for tonight's drawing. Thank you for dropping by and don't be a stranger :-)
Tea Trelawny said…
I posted my thanks earlier but don't see it now...I appreciate everyone stopping by. You're all very clever in your postings!
Bethany said…

Thank YOU for being a part of this and glad you were finally able to post. Good to "see" you on here :-)
Thank you so much Bethany ! Have a beautiful day!
Bethany said…

You too :-)
Tonette Joyce said…
I should think that you have my email on file by now, Bethany, since I have found so much cerebral treasure hidden within your creative site!
Bethany said…

LOL awesome! I do have your email on file. Consider yourself entered for tonight's drawing. Thank you for dropping by. Always good to "see" my regular commenters :-)
Bethany said…
Note for commenters: The reason some of these people are told that I have their emails on files is because either A. They have emailed with me and they use the same name and it's unique enough that I can tell right away who it is and B. Some of them are members of the writer's group I'm a member of and we've emailed and I recognize their names right off the bat.

Other folks who have a name that's common to me and aren't using a unique way to identify themselves (and this includes my sisters and relatives--I have other posters/commenters who have the same names as my sisters and relatives, therefore I won't always know who's posting unless they uniquely identify themselves OR email me their entries).

Okay, now that I got that cleared up and out of the way...back to accepting entries for tonight's drawing :-)
C.C. Hunter said…
Love the necklace. Hidden in the hearts of all is the treasure of love.
Tea Trelawny said…
Great uses of the words Hidden Treasure, ladies...thanks for all the wonderful comments!
My husband loves finding my Hidden Treasure". Also, I would like a little extra treasure to go along with my name which is "Diamond" and my birthstone (Ruby)(July). Thanks for the chance to win, and can't wait to read your book.

Diane P. Diamond
Alisha said…
Your book sounds lovely! Once I find my hidden ereader, I will go upload this treasure! Have a fun day!
Tea Trelawny said…
LOL...I am so impressed with the imagination ya'll are showing. You are all hidden treasures!
LOL, yeah, I forgot my email, sorry about that. I don't usually include my email on posts, so just forgot. Thanks for entering me anyway. The jewelry looks beautiful. And Tea's book also sounds great. I need to look it up.
Bethany said…

Great sentence (and true). Got you entered into tonight's drawing. Thank you for dropping by--always good to "see" you around :-)
Bethany said…
Diane D.,

Awesome (and so cool about your name). I've got you entered for tonight's drawing. Thank you for dropping by and don't be a stranger :-)
Bethany said…

Very clever! I've got you entered for tonight's drawing. Thank you for dropping by and please don't be a stranger :-)
Bethany said…

I agree! :-)
Bethany said…
Anna Kathryn,

It's okay...your identity on your comments is unique enough that I know who it is, and I have your email address, so you're set :-)
Roseanne Dowell said…
I love searching attics for hidden treasures. This sounds like a great book. The necklace is fabulous.
Roseanne Dowell
rodow62 at yahoo dot com
Bethany said…

I'm sure Tea Trawlany and Kathy of Beadmore Designs appreciate your comments--I thank you on their behalf. Also, thank you for dropping by. I've got you entered for tonight's drawing. Be sure to come on back here to Write By Bethany again :-)
ArtemisG said…
I want to go with Captain Jack Sparrow's crew to find a hidden treasure.
I'm from Greece
The necklace is amazing!
Thank you.

artgiote at gmail dot com
Bethany said…

Wow! Greece! I've never been there, but I heard wonderful things about it. Cute sentence and glad you like the necklace. I've got you entered for tonight's drawing. Thank you for dropping by again. Good to "see" you :-)
Sheila said…
I'll be downloading this treasure of a book and hoping I can find it hidden within the pages of my kindle's menu.

Cool contest and beautiful necklace!
Mindy said…
Hmm, Clea entered the computer technician James office intent on finding the (uhm) Hidden Treasure in James's briefs.
I LOVE the blurb for Hidden Treasure, another book to get my hot hands on.

Mindy :)
Birdsooong (at)
Tea Trelawny said…
Thanks, ladies, for all your support and clever comments. This is a fun idea, and I appreciate Bethany inviting me to take part.
Bethany said…

Seems several people are unearthing their e-readers to get Tea's book; hope they like it. I've got your entry put in for tonight's drawing. Thank you for dropping by and please be sure to come back here :-)
Bethany said…

Thank you for dropping by. Be sure to come back again. I've got your entry in for tonight's drawing :-)
Bethany said…

No problem! I'm having fun reading the entries. There's some inventive/imaginative people out there :-)
nutspan said…
That jewelery looks like hidden treasure.
Bethany said…

It isn't hidden anymore ;-) Thank you for coming by--good to "see" you. Got you entered for tonight's drawing :-)
Bethany said…

I'm officially closing the contest for today! But don't worry tomorrow will feature another author and jewelry pairing. Thank you to everyone who participated today :-)

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