Good Afternoon One & All, Today's topic: books (not necessarily works-in-progress or our manuscripts, but books in general): There's something so friendly about a well-loved book. I've maintained for years that books are some of my best friends: 1. They will never, ever betray you 2. They're always there (even if they're hiding) for you. Whether you're in a crisis, having a great day, a book you really enjoy has the power to both comfort or lift you up. The feel of a well-worn cover...the pages, sometimes even the smell is as familair as a human friend. Obviously it's not the same as having a human friend, but they certain do offer a certain level of comfort and understanding. You know where you stand with a book. You know whether it's one you've loved for years, or one you just met, or one you decided wasn't one you want to read again. Either way, you know what the story is, and you know exactly how to react and how to be around that book....