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Fangtastical Friday

Morning All,

It's Friday! Although, for me, that doesn't mean break from work since I stay home with my son and my husband is working on Saturday and Sunday (although only 1/2 day on Sunday and part of the day on Saturday). But it's still really cool...why?

Because it's November 20, 2009!

So, what's so important about that?

Before I get into the "fang" part of it (like that's not a major hint LOL) there's something else I really want to bring up.

Today is the day that Elizabeth Pina's E-book gets released! It's called Learning To Let Go. She told me she also wants to release it on CD so people can read it on their computers. Especially for the folks that have yet to get a e-reader in the first place LOL. I don't know where it's being sold, so you might have to go to her website to find out. Although, I'm not sure if she has anything but the publisher's name up. But today is the release date for that e-book. The book is Christian Inspirational.

She's a really sweet person and a lot of fun. I got to sit next to her at the Todd Stone Workshop. She's working on some Romantic Suspense, now. I believe she has a book signing in December in League City, Texas.

The other news...

wait for it...

drum roll...

Today The Twilight Saga: New Moon is released in theaters! Last night I was watching The Tonight Show With Conan O'Brien and I laughed so hard because he was talking about brooding vampires that made teenage girls scream, so he decided to have one of his own and a guy dressed in pale make up and black clothes came out looking all dramatic and brooding. He was so hysterical.

But it didn't end there.

Then he said he had also heard werewolves were big, so he got another assistant, named Wolf Boy. A topless guy who stared penetratingly at him. That was funny too because he had something on his arm that looked like the tattoo the wolf pack has in New Moon.

Then a guy dressed as Frankenstein came out and Conan told him he wasn't sexy enough, so the guy ripped his shirt off, revealing a costume with like a 14-pack on his chest LOL. He couldn't rip the whole shirt and Conan started making comments about Frankenstein being able to bend metal but couldn't rip cotton. Wolf Boy had to help him.

Later on, Wolf Boy was making his pectorals go up and down and Conan kept saying it was creepy.

Anyway, I got a good laugh over it.

I'm hoping today to get some writing done since this week has been not the most productive of my life. Although, I did do some edits to Conjure A Man, so that's good.

I've also been doing a bunch of reading. I put a Lurlene MacDaniel book on hold because I've read it before, but I was re-reading it because I'm reading a Debbie Macomber book I haven't read. I'm reading Right Next Door, which has been lots of fun. In the second novella, this widow has a 15 year old son who's learning to drive and there's a very funny line in there about her having gotten more spiritual thanks to her son being behind the wheel.

The next book on my list to read is Christie Craig's Gotcha! She's an NWHRWA member and everyone has told me how wonderful her books were, so I thought I'd check them out. Gotcha! looked like fun, so I decided to start with that one.

What are you currently reading, if anything? How's your writing coming? If you're in NaNo, how's that going?

Have A Fangtastic Friday!


Regina Quentin said…
I've never read any of the Twilight business but I must say that the new movie looks action packed enough for even me to buy a ticket and see it. We'll see. Have a great weekend Bethany.
Bethany said…

Personally, I just felt drawn into the story. I was glad it was different from any other vampire thing out there. I also liked how imagnitive with was.

Some people like it, others don't...same with most any story.

You have a great weekend, too! :-)
Libby Scrivener said…
Hi Bethany and thanks so much for remembering! I'm very excited about my story being available. Have a wonderful weekend and I'll see you again soon!
Bethany said…

Hey! Thank YOU for dropping by! I'm so happy for you! See you at the Christmas party on Dec. 5th!

Enjoy your first release :-)

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