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Classics Week Guest Post: Tina Bausinger "Love, Death, And Madness"

Happy Thursday Everybody,

I can't tell you how excited I am that you all have been enjoying Classics Week. When I got this idea I wasn't sure what would happen, but it's turned into a lot of fun. Yesterday's posts by Mina Khan got many comments (thank you for supporting Mina!) Which is great. It's always nice when readers support an author.

Today I welcome an author who is on one of the email loops I'm on. Like Mina, when I sent out the call for certain authors, (mostly Paranormal and Fantasy, but I welcomed a couple of other genres, too) author Tina Bausinger answered the call and I was delighted to have her come aboard for this blog series.

So please join me in welcoming Tina Bausinger as she talks about Emily Brontë:

The windy heights—a horrifying thunderstorm and a choice between a love-crazed, revenge-seeking rogue or a beautiful aristocratic pretty boy. Who can resist the world of Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë? I know I can’t.
Love that transcends all boundaries, even those set by sanity--Cathy Earnshaw is the original Bella Swan. She’s indecisive, whiny, spoiled—and yet, brooding, handsome, mentally unstable Heathcliff and gorgeous, wealthy and wussy Linton are ready to fight to the death for her. Well, sort of—Linton is ready to pay someone to fight in his place, but still.
When Cathy thinks about Heathcliff, she says, “If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger.” When Heathcliff speaks to Cathy, he says, “Be with me always – take any form – drive me mad! Only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you! Oh, God! It is unutterable! I cannot live without my life!”
Wuthering Heights is so much more than just a love story—it’s a revenge story as well, and we see Heathcliff as the antihero. We can’t help rooting for him to win Cathy, but he’s sort of a weird obsessive bad boy whose mental instability keeps us guessing till the end. Gotta love a good, dark Gothic tale.
If you like dark and twisty tales like Wuthering Heights, you’re gonna love my book, War Eagle Women. It’s considered a Southern Gothic romance. Like Cathy, Eden is torn between
beautiful, moody, talented artist Craig and Mike, a handsome, dedicated trauma surgeon. Elizabeth, Eden’s grandmother, tells her own story about her choice between dark Italian hottie Antonio, who hides a questionable past and rough and handsome boy-next-door Henry. In the tiny town of War Eagle where secrets lie as deep as the river, four women whose lives are inextricably linked by blood and destiny must share their long buried stories to help their youngest, Samantha, to disclose her own secret that, left untold, threatens to steal her very life. Dark and gritty, War Eagle Women is part romance, part mystery, part ghost story, and part Indian legend. I promise that Eden is a more likable heroine than either Cathy or Bella. Give War Eagle Women a try!

Note From Bethany:  You can find War Eagle Women on Amazon Kindle


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