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Gregori Celebrates My Birthday

Happy Tuesday All,


In honor of my birthday (that was on Oct. 15th) I am doing TWO give aways! The FIRST one is TODAY! 

Today's give away is a copy of Kerrelyn Sparks' Sexiest Vampire Alive. Kerrelyn, being the awesome person that she is, has agreed to give a signed copy of the novel to ONE lucky commenter on my blog.

Here's how it's going to work and please read all instructions CAREFULLY. ONE entry PER person:

If you choose to email in your entry:

Email to this email ONLYYour email should state who your favorite vampire is. And no, it does NOT have to be one of Kerrelyn Sparks' characters, but that would be really cool if you DID mention one of hers.

If you choose to enter by commenting on my blog:

Leave your FIRST name, email address, and what vampire is your favorite. It can be ANY vampire--but like I said, it would be really cool if you mention a Kerrelyn Sparks' vampire.

You don't know Kerrelyn Sparks' vampire? Well just go here to her book list and have a look-see. Or mention a vampire you particularly like.

Contest will close at 11:00 p.m. Central Time today (October 18th).

Questions or comments, please email me at this email address.

Thank you, Gregori & Kerrelyn for helping me celebrate my birthday!

EDIT (11:55 a.m.):  Please note that ALL comments go through moderation from me before they are published. I'm receiving some double posts. Posts don't appear on my comment section UNTIL they are approved. Sorry for the confusion!

Have A Thrilling Tuesday!


Anonymous saidā€¦
Happy Birthday Bethany! Hope you have an awesome day. By far, the most sexiest vampire is Roman. If I remember correctly, he's from Kerrelyn's How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire, which is my favorite book of hers.
Hello Kerrelyn!
Bethany saidā€¦

I need your email address.

Roman is a good choice! I like him myself--but Gregori's always been my favorite. I love him and Phineas.

Thanks for dropping by and please get me your email address so that I can have you entered :-)
Bethany saidā€¦

Never mind! I got your email. Thank you :-)
Gail saidā€¦
I love Wrath from JR Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood.I am new to Ms.Sparks books.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Has to be Connor in Vampire Mine,,having read all the books so far genus the one that sticks in my mind, troubled and dark and brooding and oh yeah sexy as hell.
Seyre509@aol .com
ixka saidā€¦
Hmm, the sexiest vampire ever? That's a really hard thing to ask of a Sparks fan. I guess I would have to say that my sexiest vampire is either Jean-Luc or Jack (sorry for the tie). I love Jean-Luc because he is probably the most honorable hard-headed man ever. And Jack always trys to be Casanova, it fails, and his own bit of charm can always come out!
Kelly saidā€¦
Hi Bethany,
Nice to meet you and happy Birthday! Do I have to pick a favorite?! I really like them all ever since I started reading the series! Thou I do admit I kind of hope Kerrelyn will release Phineas's story soon as I can't wait to see what kind of girl he'd hook up with thou I thought he might hook up with Olivia's friend at one point.
Thanks, Kelly
Chavvala saidā€¦
Happy Birthday!

My name is Kimberly Williams and my address is kimberly(dot)chavva(at)

As for favorite vampires...I have a lot!!! LOL. From Kerrelyn's books, I love Jean-Luc (especially when he made his wifes ex run around like a cockroach lmao), Robby, Ian, just love them all! I don't think I can pick just one!

Anonymous saidā€¦
Happy Birthday, It's alittle late but I hope you had a Fabulous day. I personally, liked Roman as my fav. He was sexy, nerdy smart, tough, and a real looker from the descripitions, I wouldn't mind having one just like him. That was a great book as well as the entire series can't wait to read more.
Happy reading
Vickie Knight
kari saidā€¦
My name is Kari;

I have several favorites from different authors but the one that makes me stop and say 'really' is LASZLO. He is so nerves and almost afraid of vampires, it's hard to believe he is a vampire.
Other wise DR. LOVE, he talks about being a womans man but never has any women, can't wait for his book to come out and he finally gets a woman, lol.
Johanna R Jochum saidā€¦
I love the Love at Stake series and Kerrelyn Rocks! I have a special place in my heart for all her sexy vamp hotties but my all time favorite is Jean-Luc from the Undead Next Door! He could whisper french love words in my ear all night long! *swoon* Thanks for sharing with us!

katsrus saidā€¦
Happy birthday! My favorite vampire is Robby MacKay from Teh Vampire and the Virgin. I love Kerrelyn's books! Thanks for the giveaway.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Happy Birthday, Bethany! I love Gregori also, but another of my favorites is Zsadist from JR Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood!

Anonymous saidā€¦
Happy Birthday!!!! Thanks for this, its so cool. I just love Vanda!! Very sexy independent vamp. BTW im Sonianeomi aka Sonia.
mrsworldwidewebb saidā€¦
Happy Birthday Bethany! I love Roman also.. He is a great vampire! I hate picking just one...Too many to love just like the Roman Brothers of Laura Wright's..LOL

My name is Kathy Webb and my email address is
Anonymous saidā€¦
Stephanie Happy Birthday. My favorite vampire has to be Gregori in Sexiest Vampire Alive. But Roman is my my second favorite
KhelseyJackson saidā€¦
Happy birthday Bethany!! Thank you for the giveaway. My favorite vampire is Connor! I love him and how cant you love him when is in a kilt :D I fell in love with in in the first book was so happy when I found out that he was gonna have his own.
Teresa K. saidā€¦
Happy belated birthday to you, Happy belated birthday to you, Happy belated birthday dear Bethany, Happy belated birthday to you. Amd may the Creator bless you with many more.

Okay my favorite vampire is Gregori, espicially when he sings, I'm to sexy for my cape, too sexy for my fangs, I'm so sexy. lol. Out of the Love Stakes Series it's Gregori, Phineas, Connor, Ian and Jean Luc.
Theres so many I love but these are my favorites out of all the series I read.

Hi Kerrelyn.

Teresa tcwgrlup41(at)yahoo(dot)com
BlackwaterMama saidā€¦
Happy Birthday, Bethany! And many more! Only one vampire? That's really hard. There's soooo many to choose from!!! I guess I'll have to go for an obvious one!! Jasper from the Twilight series!
jlkg102961 AT yahoo DOT com
Anonymous saidā€¦
Roman is also my favorite :)
Minna saidā€¦
Happy Birthday Bethany! I'm afraid I'm not familiar with Kerrelyn Sparks' vampire. But my favorite vampire in any case is Angel.
Charla85 saidā€¦
I can only chose one?! *pout* Okay since you've twisted my arm and all. I absolutely adore wait wait all three. Sorry I can't chose I love them all, they're just all so much fun!! I love Kerrelyn and all of her characters.


P.S. Happy Belated Birthday!!!
Coley saidā€¦
Happy Belated Birthday!
I would have to say that my favorite vampire is Connor, although Jack is a close second. He just can't compete with the accent and the kilt.
Anonymous saidā€¦

my fav vampire is gregori"s
Anonymous saidā€¦
HAppy Birthday!!!!
I love all Kerilyn's vimpires but if I had to pick just one it would be Robby MacKay. I just love men in kilts. I love all these books.
Thanks for the chance to get the next one.
Daun Ann saidā€¦
Happy Birthday, hope it was a great one. I have to got with the original vampire in How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire which is Roman Draganesti. He's done so much for the vampire community.

dakorty AT gmail DOT com
Wyntir saidā€¦
Hi Bethany,
I hope you hada wonderful birthday! So cool that Gregori could help you celebrate. :)
I love all of Kerrelyn's books, I have read them several times each. Every book that comes out has become my fav til the next new story. lol But I have to say that Connor's story was very special and touching, and I have to choose him as my favorite... for now. I can't wait for Pheneas's story.
Thanks for such wonderful stories Kerrelyn.
BiteMeAsh saidā€¦
Awesome, happy belated birthday Bethany and waves madly at Kerrelyn

Definitely has to be Angus MacKay ;o)

Anonymous saidā€¦
Jack is my favorite. His personality was a huge draw--so much that I immediately re-read his book after I finished it. Sigh.... They are all wonderful to read, but he just stuck out in my mind.
Have a great birthday, Bethany!
Happy Birthday Bethany. I hope you have a wonderful day. I've thought about this question but can not pick just one. My three favorites are Roman, Connor, and Angus McCay.
alainala saidā€¦

My fav vampire (from her books of course) is Dr Phang! cannot wait for his book to come out!
(although all the men in kilts were a close second!)

alainala AT hotmail DOT ca
Anonymous saidā€¦
I have always loved the comic relief of Phineas, but Vanda has a real place in my heart. She is such a strong female who has overcome a lot. I love the guys, but you gotta admire the strength of the ladies.

Happy Birthday!

Bethany saidā€¦
WOW! There's A LOT of entries...unfortunately I don't have time to answer every single one...HOWEVER ANY entry that is PUBLISHED in this comment section I HAVE viewed and approved (all comments are moderated by me before they're approved--I've done this because some people were having trouble posting on here, so I thought if I changed things maybe it wouldn't be so hard for folks to post).

THANK YOU SO MUCH for ALL the birthday wishes--I especially loved Teresa K. singing to me--LOL I avoided people singing at a party I attended, but I was glad to have a little singing THANK YOU.

Also Kari mentioned Laszlo--SO COOL!

Blackwater Mama mentioned "Twilight" Jasper--Awesome, I like him, too.

Several folks have mentioned J.R. Ward...looks like I have some reading to do LOL.

Please note that I did NOT say SEXIEST vampire, just a vampire you like. If you happen to think he's sexy, that's fine, but it's NOT a requirement LOL (I should've made that clear in the post).

There's been some accidentally double-posts I found in moderation, so I won't be posting the double-posts, but I did post the originals.

If you have any questions, email me at

Alma Rosado saidā€¦
Happy B'day! It's the most difficult question. I love all the vampires, Roman, Ian, Robby, Angus, Gregori, Connor and Phineas. It's easier who I don't like Sean Whelan.
I love when Roman went to dentist due to losing his vampire tooth, it's special because it's the first story. But if I have to choose it would be Phineas. I love how he take for credit all the love romances. Alma
Fancy saidā€¦
Jack...he was my first from Miss Sparks. He captured my heart and was the gateway to so many more. So for me it's only Jack. My name is Frances.
Roni saidā€¦
Happy Birthday, Bethany. This is my first time here. Like quite a few others I have to say Roman. Maybe it's because that book was one of the first paranormals I ever read; I don't know. I love all her books though.
Stephanie saidā€¦
Happy B-Day Bethany! @-}- I hope you've had a fabulous day!

As for my Favorite Vamp, hmmm, Kerrelyn's Roman is all brawny and brainy which is a total turn-on but you can always count on Dr. Phang to bring the funny!! But I also fall for Ashlyn Chase's Sly's protective streak and the quiet way he fell for his lady...lots of vamps to love out there!

Thanks for the contest!

DragonStar1974 )AT(
Anonymous saidā€¦
Sarah Email:

I would have to say my favorite vampire is Claudia from Interview With a Vampire. She's this angelic looking creature but she's pretty evil. Kirsten Dunst did a good job portraying her in the movie of the same name. But my favorite vampire from Kerrelyn's books would be Roman.
cakelady626 saidā€¦
Happy Birthday Bethany!! Hi Kerrelyn!! I love Kerrelyn's books so much. My favorite vampire in Kerrelyn's series has to be Connor!! I love me some Scottish Vamps. I loved his story and he so deserved his angel. But.....I have to say my favorite vampire would be Edward Cullen forever and always.
Gonzalu saidā€¦
Happy Birthday!!!!! I hope you have a great one!!!!
Unknown saidā€¦
I haven't read any of Kerrelyn's vamp books yet, so I've got to go with one from another of my favorite authors, Shiloh Walker.

Tori McAdams from The Hunters series is my favorite vamp.
Bethany saidā€¦
And the entries are still pouring in! Wow! Thank you for ALL the birthday wishes and emails. Any comments that are published means I've seen them and entered them.

If you've emailed me and received an email back that means you're entered.

Thank you everyone for stopping by...I'll be checking back throughout the day :-)
June M. saidā€¦
Happy belated birthday. I think the sexiest vampire would have to be Angus McKay. I loved him in Be Still My Vampire Heart and still love when he is in the newer books.
June M.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
Amy saidā€¦
Happy birthday!
My favorite vamp is Gregori too. I also like Bones from Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series.

Adaiah saidā€¦
Enjoy your special day. My favorite vamp is Angus McKay. Love that man in his kilt! Bhiskies for everyone!
hotcha12 saidā€¦

SandyG265 saidā€¦
Happy Birthday!

Picking a favorite is hard but I'm going to go with Luceren from Lynsay Sands Argenau vampires series.

Sandy Giden
sgiden at
Scorpio1974 saidā€¦
Happy belated Birthday! My nephew shares your bday, he just turned 1. =)
My fave vampire is Jean-Claude from LKH's Anita Blake series. I haven't read any of Kerrelyn's books yet but it's on my list!

Valerie Long
Jewelry Creations by V.S. Long -
Shell saidā€¦
Hey Bethany,

I hope you had a lovely day on your birthday! I hope you got spoiled rotten with presents! :D

My name is Michelle Louise Pratley and my email address is:

I would have to say that my favourite vampire would have to be Jean-Luc because he is so charming and romantic. When I look for a guy, I try to find my own Jean-Luc, someone who is sweet, caring, kind, romantic and French!

But I also love how Kerrelyn gets all the Scottish slang right for her Scottish vampires, because I'm Scottish and it's nice to see some Scottish in a book :)


Michelle Louise Pratley
Kelso, Scottish Borders, Scotland
Cerstin from Germany saidā€¦
Hope you had a happy birthay Bethany. My favourite vampire is actually Cain from the Almost Human trilogy, but from this series is the one and only Connor Buchanan!
tamara colwell saidā€¦
My favorite vampire is probably Angus. I don't think I ever laughed so hard imagining him swinging upside down with his kilt around his neck. And when he and Emma were trapped by the Malcontents, it was one of the sweetest moments in her books. But my favorite character is Carlos. He just oozes sex appeal. Hope you have an awesome birthday Bethany! Kerrelyn rocks!!
Michelle saidā€¦
Happy birthday Bethany! have a great birthday! my favorite vampire is Jack from Kerrelyn Spark's The Secret Life of a Vampire. that's the book that got me hooked to his series but i love them all!

Dawna saidā€¦
I can't pick just one who is my fav. Jack, romen, robby and phineas are all my fav and more.Dawna
tamara colwell saidā€¦
I guess I forgor to leave my e-mail address
catslady saidā€¦
Happy, happy birthday!

Please include me in the Roman category lol. There's always something about the first!

jeanne S.
Lori Meyer saidā€¦
From the Love at Stakes series it would have to be Jack although I love them all. His reactions to Lara were funny, crazy, sexy, disbelieving, a little bit of everything. I have many series that i love and JR Ward is just one other one and I absolutely love Z from that series. Keep the vampire romances coming!
Anonymous saidā€¦
Happy belated Birthday Bethany! I have two favorites - Ian because I just love a Scot and Roman because he was my first of Kerrelyn's vampires.
Happy Birthday Bethany!

My favorite - my first thought was Roman then I thought of Ian but I enjoyed them all. Thanks for chance to win.

Bethany saidā€¦
Whole bunch more comments have been posted!

Again, thank you for all the b-day wishes!

Someone actually mentioned DRACULA! Was wondering when he'd make an appearance LOL :-)
Unknown saidā€¦
Happy Birthday, hoping your day was a wish fulfilled day giving you all that you wished for. As for my favorite vamp, it's one of Kerrelyn's....Phineas McKinney, aka Dr. Phang. I can't wait for his story!
Bethany saidā€¦

I need your email address!

Thank you for your entry and for the birthday wishes :-)
Mountain Laurel saidā€¦
It's hard to choose...but I would have to say Conner...after-all he snagged an angel! LOL
Bethany saidā€¦

You got a point! Connor sure did get himself an angel LOL

Thank you for your entry :-)
Barbara E. saidā€¦
Hope you have had a fabulous birthday!
My favorite vampire is Jean-Luc Escharpe from Kerrelyn's The Undead Next Door.

Barbed1951 at aol dot com
Bethany saidā€¦
Barbara E.--

Thank you for the birthday wishes--I DID have a fabulous birthday.

I've got your entry :-)
Sue Ellen saidā€¦
I could never pick just one. Jack was the first one I read of Kerrelyn's, but I also love Ian, Roman and Gregori - really all of them. I also love Bones, Spade and Vlad from the Night Huntress series. J.R. Ward's Rhage, V & Phury. And Lara Adrian's Niko, Dante & Rio.

There's just so many. I told you I couldn't pick just one.

Sue Ellen
Anonymous saidā€¦
Happy birthday Bethany!

My favorite vampire is Angus. His story was amazing! His and Emma's story got me hooked on Kerrelyn's books.

Jamie Alsteen saidā€¦

Happy Birthday Bethany!!!!!

My Favorite Vampire would have to be Jean-Luc from "UNDEAD NEXT DOOR".
nzfiona saidā€¦
First of all, Happy Birthday for the 15th from the Antipodes - Melbourne, Australia, to be exact.

Secondly, my favourite vampire. As the "Love at Stake" series is the only one I've enjoyed since the Anne Rice books some years ago, I'll choose one of Ms. Sparks' characters. That being said, I have to go for....Lazlo. I have a bit of a soft spot for the stammering, shy and button-twirling Vamp who seems to spend most of his time in the science laboratory, helping Roman ease the existence of vampires and mortals alike. I personally cannot resist the science-geeky type, being like that myself.

Again, Happy Birthday!
Anonymous saidā€¦
Dear Bethany,
I hope you had a wonderful birthday.Of course my favorite vampires are from the pen of Kerrelyn Sparks. The problem is picking only one. I would have to say my favorite is Robby MacKay is so courageous and brave and so very noble in The Vampire and The Virgin. I have always been fond of Gregori as well with each book you see another facet of his personality.

Kathie Eckman
minhchieu saidā€¦
Happy birthday Bethany!! Thank you for the giveaway. My favorite vampire is Connor!
gilda saidā€¦
Hi Bethany!! I've read every book twice and loved every hero...but Roman is a personal favorite for his brilliant mind and incredible achievements and accomplishments for vamps as well as his integrity. Gregori has a special place for being a total babe as well as being "bottle" email is
Eurika saidā€¦
Thank you for this contest! My favorite vampires are obviously from Kerrelyn's books. I have read them all! But my most fav one is Constantine--son of Roman and Sahanna! He is too cute and sweet.

Anonymous saidā€¦
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Bethany!! XD Well, so far for me my favorite vampires are all in Kerrelyn Sparks books, but the one I like the most is Gregori because he's really lightens up the mood. I love it when he says "I'm too sexy for my cape, too sexy for my fangs..." LOL! second place is Roman since I like his dedication to keeps us mortals alive, "God's Blood"

P.S. since it's your Bithday make sure people are kneeling before! ;)

Bethany saidā€¦
Hey everybody,

More entries have been posted. There have been several entries by email, too.

Thank you once again for all the birthday wishes. I did have a really good birthday (in fact, that's the day I attended the Lone Star Writers' Conference--I had a fantastic time there--I'll be posting about it this week with pictures!!)

Anyway, there's still 3 hours left to enter, so I'll be checking in later.

BTW--LOVE that someone mentioned Constantine. Unfortunately, he's not strictly a vampire, but I accepted the entry. So, no disqualification there, since it's a technicality.

Enjoy the rest of the give away day everyone :-)
Anonymous saidā€¦

My favorite vampire is a toss up between Ian and Robby... I love them both....
Bethany saidā€¦
Looks like I'm caught up on posting the comments/entries for now. I'll be checking in later.

Again, thank you to everyone for the wishes and for the entries :-)
Bethany saidā€¦
The contest is now CLOSED!

Thank you to everyone who entered :-)
khareen saidā€¦
Oh! MY! GAwd!
Happy Birthday to you Bethany.
I really can't choose who of them but I think it's "Roman Draganesti" he's so damn gorgeous for me. He is from "How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire" by of course Kerrelyn Sparks. I love you Kerrelyn.

Thanks Bethany, more power to your blog.
khareen saidā€¦
Thanks Bethany and Happy Birthday to you.

My bet is "Roman Draganesti" from "How To Marry A Millionaire Vampire" by Kerrelyn Sparks. I love you Kerrelyn, your my favorite always.
Bethany saidā€¦
Khareen J.,

Thank you so much for your comment and for the birthday wishes! Roman was very popular. I'm sorry, but the contest is already closed and a winner chosen so I can't enter you.

But thank you so much for coming by and I hope you'll come again :-)
hotcha12 saidā€¦

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