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Showing posts from January, 2011

Contest Day: Marvelously Mysterious Monday

Happy Monday Everyone, Today (at last!) marks the kick off of Write By Bethany's 25+ Followers Celebration ! I've been so excited about this contest, it's been really hard not to tell you all everything that's planned; however, I thought it would be more fun to reveal everything slowly rather than all at once. (FYI:  Make sure you read this WHOLE blog post before you comment!) As stated in last Friday's post about how the contest week would be run, you will have until 9:30 p.m. Central Time to post your comment in order to enter today's drawing for Monday's fabulous prize. (Those of you on the Pacific Coast, this means you have until 7:30 p.m., those on the Eastern Coast, until 10:30 p.m.). So up until 9:30 p.m. Central Time, you, my dear readers, will have a chance to enter for today's drawing. Here's how today works: The prize is supplied by the awesome mystery author, Laura Childs. Here's the most incredible twist about today's ...

Just A Little Note About Next Week...

Happy Friday Everyone, Today is  not the beginning of the contest (contest starts MONDAY, January 31, 2011--the last day will be on Friday, February 4, 2011 ), but I wanted to explain how the contest will be run. Okay, as I’ve been doing all week…I’m going to reveal another/more hint(s) about next week’s contest. First of all, the title of the contest is: Write By Bethany’s 25+ Followers Celebration . Second of all, each day is going to have a theme. Third of all, unless I get a late donor, not every day will have a prize--which means you have to check back each day not only to see if there IS a prize, but to find out what it is and who’s donating it.  ***CORRECTION:  When I originally wrote this, I did NOT have a prize for each day of the contest, but that changed and I just never got around to fixing this until now (edited on 02/05/2011 12:25 a.m.). The contest will be run this way: Each day I will request that those entering do the ...

Never A Dull Moment

Happy Thursday All, Tomorrow's Friday, which means the weekend is almost here. (I think I hear cheering in the background somewhere LOL). I finished one of the books that I'm going to be reviewing, but I won't be posting the review until sometime in mid-February or something like that. Now I have to read the other book for the other review. I was looking forward to reading both books, which makes it all the more fun. My offspring has a bit of a cold and last night was hard on everyone 'cause offspring was having trouble staying asleep. Husband took 'em to the doc today and found out we just keep doing what we do and my kid should be better soon. So last night wasn't a lot of sleep, but I did get some napping in today. Which is good. And it doesn't look like the doc expects this to stick around real long. Tomorrow I'm going to be posting some very important details pertaining to next week's contest (which starts on Monday, January 31, 2011!) ...

Growing And Growing...

Happy Wednesday All, Another prize donation came in today. This contest just keeps getting bigger--which is fine...I'm excited and I hope you are, too! Later this week I will be posting more detailed information about how the contest next week will work. Yes, the contest will be held NEXT WEEK ! Starting Monday, January 31, 2011 . Also, each day I will have information on how the contest is being done for that particular day (this thing is so big each day has it's own theme). I've also decided that if I get more than 5 prize donations, I'll extend it out one or two days extra (no more than that because I have a special something planned on one of the days of the 2nd week in February). Also, I have 2 book reviews coming up for new releases. So there's a lot happening on here and I want every one of my readers to have a chance to be a part of it. We've talked heroines and heroines...let's talk side kicks (or "window characters"): What ...

If You Thought Yesterday Was A Hint...

Happy Tuesday Folks, Oh. My. Gosh. This contest, as I like to say, "rocks my socks". I'm not through putting together details (I'm giving myself and the people involved some space to check up on one part of it). But the prizes that are being donated are gonna be good ! I can't list the prizes (yet), but I'm telling you, those that are donating (and I can't reveal them, yet, either) are really generous beings and they have my most heartfelt gratitude for helping me out in that area. So far I do know I will be running this contest 3 days--giving away something every day, which is fabulous, because then I can have a new winner and really get this party going. Other than author interviews, (which I got one scheduled for February, and working on scheduling a March one) I've never done anything this big on my blog before. (LOL, unless you want to count the times I posted parodies that I wrote). So far it looks like I'll run the contest next wee...

Hint, Hint, Hint

Happy Monday Folks, I'm going to drop another hint or two about this year... I got big plans for a contest to celebrate 25 plus followers on this blog. I can't give out much details at this point, but it would behoove you (another great word, "behoove") to check up here often...for I may be running the contest this week or next week or the week after or we'll-see-when (but it'll be soon ) just never know. I'm "hammering" out the details at the moment. But trust me, when I say soon, I mean very soon. I have a date set in February for an author interview (not telling who it is or when, you'll just have to come back and find out *grins*) This author wants to run a contest in conjunction with the interview, so the day of, you'll want to be on here to comment so you might be able to win the prize the author is offering. I'm working on finishing up a book for a book review (can't tell you who or what, yet). And I was told ...

Why Romance?

Happy Friday All, I don't know if you all were ever asked the question about why you write the genre you do. But, it's a good thing to contemplate. (I can't remember if I have been asked that one, myself). Genres, like anything else in the writing/publishing world, are part of the author's brand. It's how readers identify you (not just by name) among the sea of other authors. I write Paranormal Romance. Often I have elements of fantasy in them. Why? Well... I like the idea of making up my own world and having creatures that don't exist on my plane of reality. I like going beyond the real into the unreal (hence what my blog says). Elements of fantasy are in there because who doesn't like a little magic in their lives mixed in with the shape shifters, witches, vampires? I write in the Romance genre because I've always been a romantic. I'm one of those "sweet romance" types. I love the whole guy-can't-get-girl-out-of-his-head-b...

Spoiled Rotten

Happy Thursday All, Normally I'd post earlier in the day, but blog post ideas were eluding me (gotta love that word "elude"). My goal this year for the blog is not only to report on author things abounding around us (and my progress/processes) but also to spoil my readers (and myself). I'm working on lining up something that's a treat, but I'm not going to say what it is--it's a surprise, but I'm practically giddy about it. (Actually there's more than one thing coming in the next couple of months that I'm excited about). Also, I want to hear from you. Is there something in particular you want me to touch on? If so, please let me know. Is there something I've talked about or done that you want to see again? Include it in the comment section as well. Have A Thrilling Thursday!

Take A Trip Down Memory Lane...

Happy Wednesday All, Do you remember some of your favorite childhood books? The ones that you read over and over and still could read again? There's a few that come to mind for me. One such series is the Betsy-Tacy Books by Maud Hart Lovelace . Maud based her characters on real life counterparts (and sometimes more than one) and the happenings on things that happened in her life and around her. I didn't know this until they reprinted them and added a history section in the back of the books. All I know is, growing up, I read them over and over and pored over a bunch of the pictures. I didn't get to read the last one, Betsy's Wedding until I was probably in high school because I couldn't find it. There's even a Betsy-Tacy Society , which is also something I didn't know until I was older. Another book which comes to mind is Cheaper By The Dozen by Frank B. Gilbreth and Ernestine Gilbreth Cary. There's been movies made based on this book and there...

News & Happenings

Happy Monday All, Okay first of all...anybody in or near the Houston area who's a writer I have a big scoop for y'all:  The NWHRWA is going to have Alicia Rasley , an author and editor, speak for an all-day workshop . Price is for NWHRWA members: $20 for non-members:  $25. Be sure to check the link for the Program Coordinator for questions. (Please double-check with the Program Coordinator about prices and everything including directions and location). Now news doesn't end there... CC Hunter will be debuting her YA series with her first one, Born At Midnight on March 29th . Author PJ Mellor will have her new erotica, Island Nights come out on March 1st. Mystery author, Laura Childs has a new Tea Shop Mystery entitled, Scones & Bones coming out in the beginning of March, as well. Do you have any news you'd like to tell? Please share it in the comment section! I read every comment I see come in and respond to all of them. If I miss your comment...

How Very Punny!

Happy Friday All, Well now we're well into 2011. I wish I'd remember to change positions more at night, then I wouldn't wake up so stiff and sore, but oh well. I don't know how many of you all like jokes (bad/good/punny) or how many of you put them in your writing. (Christie Craig makes her work hysterical without cracking a joke).  Sometimes during a story they crack a joke to make a point.  So which are you? Are you the subtle approach? Or do you come right out with a joke?  Have A Funny Friday!

The Big 25!

Happy Thursday Everyone, Whoo-hoo this blog has recorded 25 followers! I want to celebrate. So... I'm trying to come up with something good for a contest or a prize or whatever to mark the occasion. While I'm working on that (and my manuscripts in the process of being written) perhaps you might share what you're working on that you're excited about? Have A Thrilling Thursday!

Did I Miss Something?

Happy Tuesday All, For some reason someone is sending me spam having to do with "Duct Tape Addicts". I'm not sure why, I can't figure it out. We don't use Duct Tape that often. In fact, we only use it when we really, really need it--which is probably once or twice per year. If that. Maybe they're concerned we're not addicts. Maybe it's to encourage us to use more duct tape. Or maybe it's an underhanded way of trying to inspire me. (Not sure how that's supposed to work). What sort of spam email do you get that you can't figure out why you're getting it? Have you thought of a creative reason why you might need said email? Have A Toe-Tapping Tuesday!

Face Off -- Fear Versus Willpower

Happy Monday Everybody, Every writer has a fear or had a fear they have to face down (or had to face down). Some on a continual basis, and some once or only a few times. It's okay to be nervous. It's okay to be concerned on whether or not your story is strong enough to withstand the critical eyes of the General Public, but unless you work on your craft, get those critiques, do those edits, and put yourself out there, you're getting nowhere in the business. All you're getting is fear. Every author has to face down his or her fears. Just because an author has "made it" doesn't mean they weren't nervous/worried/scared/overwhelmed at one point or another. The difference is, they chose not to be debilitated by it. Those authors chose, instead, to say "Hello fear, nice to meet ya. Now, go away, I'm a professional and I got work to do." You can overcome your fears. But only  you can do it. Nobody else can smack that fear over the head wi...

Inner Workings Part 2

Happy Thursday All, Wow the first whole work week in the year 2011 is almost over. Time loves to fly (I think it uses Continental or American Airlines--my experience with these airlines has been good, by the way, just in case someone's wondering). Bad joke, I know--goofy sense of humor jumps up again. Over the years I'd ask this one friend "What if?" Questions. Now, these "What if?" Questions are entirely fine for fiction writers--in fact, they're pretty much a must. Like asking "What if I set this story in the future?" "What if vampires were real?" "What if the heroine was a short, stout elderly woman who bashed people over the head with a cane?" (Okay that last one, I don't know of any author who actually asked themselves that one, and I haven't, but I thought it was funny). Someone I know once told me (years ago, this might have changed by now) they didn't deal with "What if?" questions. Now, w...

Inner Workings

Happy Tuesday All, How do you work as an author? Do you like to plan and plot or do you like to just see what comes? Or do you do a bit of both? I trend towards a bit of both. Some things are planned (like the basic storyline or what a character looks like) other things just happen (like when I'm writing and I discover one idea doesn't work, but a different one does). What about you? Happy writing :-) Have A Top-Notch Tuesday!

They're Taking Over

Happy Monday All, The manuscripts I'm working on have something to do with another story I wrote. I hadn't meant for this to happen. I thought the other story would be a "stand alone". It didn't morph into a series (so far), however it's got "companion novels" going now. Two characters from the manuscript already have their own stories in the works--and another is lurking in the background. In other words, my characters are taking over. I'm being sucked into the world I created without too much of a fight, but it's all rather ironic. I thought, "Okay, get this one done, and work on the other one I really was hoping to fix up." Instead, I'm back in the world and other characters have bubbled up to say they have a story for me to tell. Several people have told me this happens and my Critique Partner even requested I write another character's story (so far that isn't going to happen--however, you never know what t...