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Showing posts from April, 2012

Growing Up, Musically

Happy Wednesday Everyone, Recently a friend of mine asked some help with a project. This friend is trying to come up with songs that talk about growing up and different stages of life. The project got me thinking about songs that define my childhood. Music that either makes me think of particular instances, or memories I cherish. There's the mental snapshots of my Dad strumming away at his guitar while singing songs from Peter, Paul & Mary , Paul Anka , and the Kingston Trio . Or times when one of my uncles would join in with his guitar and we'd sit around singing The Beach Boys' Sloop John B . Or the many family reunions at one of my other aunt and uncle's lake house, where another uncle brought out his collection of microphones, guitars, kazoos and whatever other musical instruments he happened to have with him and we'd have these amazing family singalongs. I recall singing Walking On A Wire by Lowen & Navarro  one year, while my younger brothe...

Releases Galore, Reading, Writing & Life

Happy Tuesday All, Well Blogger has changed its format on me, so I'm learning the new format. Please bear with me while I figure it all out (it doesn't look hard, however, like with all changes you have to get used to them). The other thing you'll have to bear with me on is the fact that I'm behind on new release reports: Two of my chapter mates have recently released new novels, and I wanted to make sure I let you all know about it: Suzan Harden has put out a brand new e-book called Amish, Vamps & Thieves book 4 in her Bloodlines series. You can get it on Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble Nook . Also available is Ms. Harden's newest Erotica, Seasons Of Magick: Autumn on Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble Nook . Melissa Ohnoutka has also put out a brand new short e-book, entitled, The Wicked Secrets Beneath which you can find on Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble Nook . There's a lot going on in my life, mostly good stuff, b...

You-Whooo, Writers!

Happy Thursday All, So sorry I've been away--there's been a lot going on over here, so I've been very busy. Allergies are a little better--thank you to everyone for your good thoughts/wishes/prayers. The other day I mentioned my RWA (Romance Writers' of America) chapter, the Northwest Houston Romance Writers of America  is having its annual Lone Star Contest for writers. There are several categories to enter, everybody. There's great prizes available and an opportunity to get your work in front of editors and agents. One year I was a coordinator for one of the categories and I saw some really talented writers come through. This is a chance to show people what you're doing with your work. It's fairly easy to enter, and it's not real expensive either. Please go to the contest web page and check out further details . The category chairs (coordinators) are all really nice people and the person who heads it up is so helpful. Have A Thrilling Thursday...

Rain, Comments, Contest & Books

Happy Monday All, It's rainy, wet, and thundering around here--not cool and very gloomy out, which isn't really conducive to feeling awake and peppy, but I'm going to try anyway. I've got my coffee, so that should help quite a bit. I don't know about you all, but I'm sick of allergies. I've got them and my offspring has them and either way you look at it, it's just annoying, right? Well, the upside is, I'm feeling a bit better and I got some rest yesterday, so hopefully I'm mending the rest of the way. There's a couple of things I wanted to address...first off: I've been getting some questions lately about posts not showing up. Let me explain:  comments are, in fact, showing up...the thing is, every single comment goes through moderation. That is, they show up in my administrative files on Blogger. When I sign in, I see them, and press the "Publish" button and then the comment shows up in the comment section of the blog ...

Releases, I Hang Out With A Beast & Life In General

Happy Wednesday All, Okay I'm late on reporting this (Bad Bethany!!) but, hopefully it's worth the wait. My wonderful critique partner, Tess St. John has put out a brand-new novel, Angel Eyes . For anyone who's read Don't Let It Show and Eyes Of Jade , this is Roy's story! Also, you can get for free, the prelude/prologue short story to Angel Eyes called Violet Eyes (which I've read and helped's really good. I helped critique a little bit on Angel Eyes --I remember I liked what I read). Most of her books are available on Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble Nook, and some of her previous titles are available in-print through Amazon. Violet Eyes is only available through Tess's website, you can download it for free here on her book portion of her homepage . Lately I've been re-reading Alex Flinn's Beastly (one of my favorite re-tellings of Beauty & The Beast ) and she put out on E-book Beastly: Lindy's Diary (which...

Thirteen Things I've Learned From TAKEN AT DUSK--Guest Post By C.C. Hunter

Happy Tuesday All, Before I get to C.C. Hunter's guest post (as noted in the title of this post) I hope you all had a great Easter. I apologize for so much silence. Last week I took most of Holy Week off and had a friend visiting, and Monday I had some thing else going on, so I was unable to post on here. I have the wonderful and talented C.C. Hunter as guest today, describing 13 things she learned from TAKEN AT DUSK , which is available today (Tuesday, April 10, 2012) from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other bookstores. So, take it away, C.C.! Thirteen Things Learned From TAKEN AT DUSK by C.C. Hunter 1. The only thing worse than trying to help a woman with amnesia remember her name and life is trying to help a dead woman with amnesia remember hers. 2. Be careful what you wish for—you might just get it . . . and the reality will probably not be anything like the fantasy. 3. The person you think is your enemy could just turn into a friend who'll do anything to...

Mystery Abounds In SHADOWFALLS...

Happy Wednesday All, I apologize for all the silence. I've had a lot going on lately, and with it being Holy Week, I'm taking some time to reflect and prepare myself for the Easter celebration. For that reason, I will NOT be putting up a post on Friday since it's Good Friday. However, I have a special post for today... It’s almost here! C.C. Hunter’s release of her 3rd Shadowfalls book, Taken At Dusk , will arrive on shelves on April 10, 2012. In the meantime, here’s a glimpse into the exciting next installment of Kylie Galen’s adventures: When Awake At Dawn closed, Kylie was about to meet her grandparents. Yet, what should’ve been a happy reuinon, turns into a bigger mystery than before. Especially when they leave Shadowfalls and just go poof! If that's not enough strangeness, Kylie starts seeing weird evil-looking animals coming after her. Burnett and the others start wondering if there’s some kind of shapeshifter at work. It’s got to be Mario, but ...