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August Is Here...

 Happy August Everyone!

My August started off with a road trip to Lubbock, Texas. My Real Life Hero (aka my husband) did the driving. My offspring hung out in the backseat, while I had the front passenger chair.

I've got some family in Lubbock, plus I've wanted to go where the innovative singer/songwriter/musician, Buddy Holly was from.

My fandom of Buddy Holly-(Buddy Holly & The Crickets) (Buddy Holly was inducted into The Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame in 1986) started when I was probably either in high school or my early twenties (I can't remember exactly). I went with my parents (and maybe my younger brother) to see The Buddy Holly Story, a musical about Holly's life. Later, I got a copy of the musical, and Paul McCartney's The Real Buddy Holly Story.

A family member of mine moved to Lubbock some years back. I vowed to one day get out there to see my family member's house, and get over to The Buddy Holly Center.

I would've gone last autumn, except a family thing came up and I wasn't able to go. So, I finally got to planning with my Lubbock family members, and got out there.

I found Lubbock charming. The heat didn't faze me much, since I get plenty of that where I live. Despite knowing it's essentially desert, I found the dryness a bit surprising (I'm used to humidity). Regardless, I enjoyed the city a lot. I thought the Tech campus was pretty (I liked all the trees, and the public art was cool).

 The Buddy Holly Center visit: I had mentally prepared myself for it to be small. I knew that as short of a career that Buddy had there wasn't going to be much, but I made up my mind to enjoy whatever was there. I actually was not disappointed in the least. If anything, I was overjoyed. It was so fun to see guitars he actually owned, letters, some of the clothes, drawings, and other items. I'd known they recovered his glasses from the crash sight, yet was still amazed to see them. Other than a small crack or two, they were still pretty much intact. There was an incredible timeline centering around Rock N' Roll, which I didn't get to read the whole of, plus a ton of other information. I made a promise to myself that one day I'd go either by myself or with someone else who would want to read everything and read all of it!

We went to a local ice cream parlor called Holly Hops and I fell in love with the 1950s vibe. There was even a working jukebox! I didn't put in any money in it or select any songs, but it was playing music.

Overall, I'm very happy with the trip and hope to go back someday.

As for writing news, I'm working on revisions. I'm not sure when I'll be done. Although, I'm definitely making progress! I've got a scene playing in my head for one of my WIPs. I'll let you know when/if I have more news.

I can't believe summer is almost over--it seems like it just began. This year is really flying by for me! I hope you all have had a wonderful summer. Best wishes to all the teachers, students, and staff going back to school.

I'll check in again in September (or earlier if I have news). 

Take care. :-)

Have A Fantastically Fabulous Friday!


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