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February, The Month of Many Things...

 Happy Friday!

We're nearing the end of February, if you can believe it! Sometimes I think this year is going by fast.

February is a mixed bag of emotions for me. Early February marks my eldest's birthday, which is a good thing. One of my siblings has a wedding anniversary. Another good thing. Two family members (a sibling and a cousin) have birthdays. (I think other relatives have birthdays this month, too, but I can't remember). Some friends have birthdays. More good things. Unfortunately, my friend, Sarah's death anniversary is also in February.

So, while I like Valentine's Day okay, and I'm totally on board with celebrating birthdays and anniversaries, always in the back of my head is February 20th. That's the day Sarah died. This year marked 10 years, which felt big. I couldn't figure out why it felt big, but one of my counselors said "It IS a big one." Leading up to February 20, 2023, I did have several bouts of tears. But none on the actual day. It was as if I had done all of that and now I was ready to just get passed it. It felt like I was holding my breath. The thing is, if she's in Heaven, no matter how much I might miss her, I don't begrudge her that. Her being gone does mean that certain things are sometimes hard (even with hoping for Heaven--missing her/struggling with certain things are the human side of me). There are songs I don't like to listen to much. Yet, despite sadness, there is joy because I remember all the times we sat and laughed together. I remember her encouraging my writing and supporting my dreams of having a career as an author. How much she believed in me. So, regardless of tears shed, there is joy. And that's what I try to hang onto. So, don't worry about me or pity me, rejoice that I had those moments.

Putting aside the sadder part of this post (sorry to bring anyone down, that is NOT my intention!) I do have some fun stuff to report. I got some positive response on one of my queries--I can't say much unless they offer me rep & I sign with them, but it's still nice to get positive response(s). I've been re-reading one of my WIPs (Works In Progress) to do some more writing on it. I've got several other WIPs in various stages of being written, so lots of ideas. All of those are really fun things to report on. I won't say a lot about what I'm writing (I like to kinda keep it close with only a few people knowing what it is), but as always, there are magical things, some kind of adventure (I always think even the less "journey" type stories I write have something adventurous in them), romance, the stuff you've come to know in my work.

The Author Encounter had a bit of a slow start to the year, but there are several things being planned. Authors March Forward happens next month! There is also work going on to update the site. If you want the replay to previous events, check out The Author Encounter's Facebook page and The Author Encounter's YouTube Page.

I'm working on reading a non-fiction book that was recommended on a podcast I sometimes listen to (I don't listen to a lot of podcasts, because I do better with visuals or reading) but this podcast has been fun for me. I also watch a literary agency's YouTube Videos which has been very informative (some information I already know--I've been in the business since around 2009 for perspective). Listening to these things, picking up information, and growing as an author are good things for writers to do. I'm not saying you're always going to learn something jaw-dropping, but you might pick up a tip or a trick that you hadn't thought of before. So, reading books/articles/etc and listening to podcasts or YouTube videos of literary agencies or other authors or editors can be helpful.

My husband and I didn't do anything special for Valentine's Day, which is okay. :-) We're pretty lowkey about Valentine's Day anyway. We'll likely do more for our anniversary.

Recently on Twitter, I saw a literary agent Tweet that the authors who query them will check up on the author's social media. I know many agents do this to get a "feel" for an author, but it makes me a little nervous. My website isn't renovated (I know it's been something that's been needing to happen, just getting everything lined up hasn't been easy for me. I promise, it's in my head, it's just taking longer than I originally thought). I'm trying to post at least once a month on here. I do try to post a couple of times a week on my Instagram and Facebook. I'm mainly on Twitter. For me, Twitter is just easy. It's short, and I can quickly scroll through my feed. A lot of people don't like Twitter for various reasons (NOT going to get into any of that on here, so please don't get into any of that in the comments). It's also sometimes hard for me to come up with posts, so Twitter is good because if I can't think of something, I can respond to someone. Instagram is tough because I don't always have a picture or video I want to post. Don't even ask about YouTube (I don't have an account on TikTok). I don't have a good set up for videos at this time, so I haven't done anything beyond post All's Fair In Love & Lion's book trailer years ago (that book is now not available anymore from me or my previous publisher). So, for anyone who has wondered about my social media, that's where I'm at. I update my Author Page on Facebook from time to time (I try at least once or twice a month--on occasion it's more than that), but I'm really active on Twitter, so if you're looking for regular posts, that's where to find me.

For those who observe the Lenten Season, I wish you one full of blessings. (Lent started on February 22, 2023).

How has your February been? Do you have big plans for the weekend, next week, or in March? I hope things have been good/great/or, as I often like to say, FRABJOUS (one of my favorite words--it's from Lewis Carrol's "Jabberwocky" poem), on your end!

Have A Fabulously Frabjous Friday!


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