Happy January (about 30 days late)!
Happy New Year! Can you believe it's a brand-new year, and 2023? So much happened last year. Some good, some hard, some not-so-good. I often get a mixed bag; although, some of it I hope never happens again. Good and bad often happen every year, though.
January has been busy. Family stuff, mostly. Nothing bad, just as I said, busy. My eldest is getting older and had an overnight trip. I was a worried Mama, but Eldest was fine, of course. Eldest had fun at this camp for 2 nights. It was weird having Eldest gone for longer than a night, but I reminded myself that one day Eldest would become an adult and be out there in the world doing whatever Eldest decides to do with life. Kinda a spooky thought, all things considered, but parents do have to help their offspring grow up.
I'm querying one of my manuscripts and have about 4-5 WIPs in various stages of being written. There are about 2-3 main ones that I'm focusing most of my attention on at the moment. One of them is involving learning disabilities--which I don't normally include in my work. You see, I live with learning disabilities. Both within myself, Eldest, and another one of my offspring, who is autistic. I write/read to escape reality not to relive it, but this one WIP (Work In Progress) has some learning disabilities in it, which actually seem to fit in that WIP. We'll see what happens. The others have various other things in them--I don't like to talk much about my writing until it's definitely going to be released. So, unfortunately, you darling reader, will have to wait. But, try not to be too disappointed. I'm still involving fantasy and paranormal aspects in my work.
This weekend I finally posted a new post (on Saturday, January 28, 2023) on my Author Facebook Page (yeah, I don't always update that, I'm mostly on Twitter). Working on several other things, including some stuff for The Author Encounter.
Other than that...doing real life stuff and trying to figure out how it's already the end of January when it was just New Year's Day not that long ago, but tomorrow really is the last day of January, so there you have it. In any case, hope 2023 treats well. Take care, and as I like to say, God bless!
Have A Merrily Marvelous Monday!
Enjoy the rest of January 2023. :-)