Happy Friday One & All,
Today is the last day of September. In some ways this month has felt long to me, in others I'm trying to compute the idea that tomorrow is October 1st.
I do plan on keeping my blog to about 1 post a month, which at this point is what I can handle. My real life has had some big ups and downs lately, and it takes a lot of energy to go through it all. Rest assured, the writing world is still very important to me and I'm not inactive in it, I just can't post on my blog more than about once a month at the moment.
So, where can you find me in between posts? Well, normally I'd say Facebook, but I've had a lot of trouble with it, lately. It seems my phone and computer don't like the updates so it's slower than a 2-legged turtle in molasses on my computer and refuses to operate at all on my phone (other than Messenger, which I reserve for those on my friends' list, sorry, I don't do much of communicating with folks I don't know well). However, if you're a fan of my work and you want to send me a note, I'm ALWAYS up for reader emails! I love to hear from my readers, so feel free to reach out there at bethany (dot) averie (at) gmail (dot) com. No spam or solicitations, please. (Those WILL be deleted. Rude emails will also be deleted without a response).
Most often, you can find me on Twitter. (I'm rarely on Instagram, sorry. I have one and I get on it a few times a week, but not often--Twitter I'm on pretty much every day).
Anyway, I'll post more when I do my October blog post. For now, how a Fabulously Fantastic Friday and a wonderful weekend!