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Showing posts from July, 2014

Updates, New Releases, & More...

Happy Tuesday Everybody, Status report:  Book Three, Immortal Love (of the Immortal Dreams Trilogy) is over halfway written. It's not yet as far along as I'd like, but it's making progress, which is good. Unfortunately sinus/migraine headache issues, and some other stuff got in the way this past week of me getting much writing in, so I'm trying to do much better this week. I'm relieved to tell you my headaches are better. Book Two of Immortal Dreams Trilogy:  Book Two, Astral Love , will release in the Fall of this year. From the schedule I received from my publisher it looks like some time in October (Ooo! Looks like a birthday present for moi. What do you all think?) Facebook:  There is now a Facebook page for the Immortal Dreams Trilogy. If you "Like" the page you will be able to keep up with updates. Things that will be exclusively posted there! (Such as Teaser #2 is already posted there) and cameo appearances from characters Laney an...

Guest Post & Book Sale With Joanne Guidoccio...

Happy Monday All, Hope everyone had a great weekend! Mine was pretty good. I've been working on getting Book Three in my Immortal Dreams Trilogy written. So while I'm working on that and you my darling readers are awaiting the release of Book Two, Astral Love , how about another kind of story while you wait? Today I've got author Joanne Guidoccio with me and she's here to talk about her novel, Between Land And Sea , which is on sale for 99 cents on Amazon Kindle (Links can be found at the end of the blog post). So I'm going to let Joanne tell you about writing her novel and a little bit about the novel itself... While planning Between Land and Sea , I considered different fantasy elements. What advantage could I bestow upon a beautiful mermaid who had given up her tail and lost her mermaid powers? A magic wand came to mind, but I quickly dismissed a possibility often associated with fairy godmothers and benevolent elders. In this case, there was...

Blog Swapping & Spotlighting Author Katie Hamstead!

Happy Tuesday Everybody, Today I'm delighted to blog swap with author Katie Hamstead! I'm on her blog giving a behind-the-scenes look at writing a novel with Greek Mythology and she's appearing on here to talk about her novel (released by Soul Mate Publishing) Branded , a Teen/Romantic Suspense novel that looks intriguing. So without further ado, take it away, Katie! Branded : Set in Australia   by Katie Hamstead Branded is set in the Sydney area, mostly the western suburbs and Blue Mountains. I set most of my contemporary books around there simply for the fact that it is where I grew up. I heard somewhere once that you should write what you know. So when it comes to things that involve high school, university etc I set my stories in the schooling system I am familiar with. My time as a foreign exchange student and the few years I have lived in the USA have taught me the basics of the American school system, but I don’t know it the way I do the Aussie on...

Blog Swap With Author Larynn Ford...

Happy Monday All, How was everyone's 4th of July? Mine was interesting. It rained here, but it let up enough that there were fireworks around. I turned on PBS and watched a little of the Capitol Hill celebration. Today it's my pleasure to introduce to you all fellow Soul Mate Publishing author, Larynn Ford. Larynn was kind enough to agree to a "blog swap" with me. Over the weekend she featured me on her blog and I agreed to do the same for her (I just try not to post on the weekends--especially since I was trying to get some writing in. I did get some in--not as much as I wanted, but I got some).   Larynn Ford began reading romance in her early teens and became interested in writing in high school. She’s a daydreamer and a romantic who is intrigued by the paranormal and loves to let her mind wander ,   always searching for a happily ever after ending to her dreams. She began reading with a renewed passion in 2006, fell in love with romance all over a...

Updates, IMMORTAL DREAMS Trilogy, & More...

Happy Wednesday All, Whew! Life has been busy. First, those 2 weeks where we were dealing with illness in the family (thank you, God, that we're well, now!) then came Immortal Dreams Book One: Divine Love 's release. After that, my husband took a weekend trip up to Arkansas to visit some family and see his mother's grave (she died last year), and while he was out-of-town, the offspring and I stayed at my parents' house. And part of this week, husband has off. So my real life has been one thing after another. Thank you to everybody who has already purchased Divine Love . I truly appreciate your support. Please, if you can, leave a review on Amazon and Goodreads. Also, if you enjoy it, feel free to drop me a line at this email address. I'm always glad to hear from my readers. Y'all rock! Some big things are in the works: I'm planning a couple of giveaways with author Patti Korbet. We're working on setting up one giveaway with other authors, whic...