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Releases, Christmas, & A Bunch Of Other Things...

Happy Friday All,

To quote Mater from Cars and Cars 2 movies, "Dadgum!" It's been a long time since I've updated. I'm so sorry! It's been crazy around here and I've been saving my writing inspiration for my WIP.

Bear with me...there's a TON of updates...

One of my WIPs is almost done. I'm about two-thirds of the way through with it and hoping to very soon start editing it and sending it to my Illustrious and Awesome critique partner, Tess St. John.

My awesome chapter mates have been busily releasing books, too. Carla Rossi released onto Amazon Kindle, Dr. Noah And The Sugar Plum Fairy, an Inspirational Romance that looks cute and fun. I don't have a Kindle, so hopefully it gets released in other formats, soon.

Terri Molina has been offering a freebie on her House Of Cards, available on Amazon Kindle. I believe, today is the LAST day to get it! I'll find out if she's going to extend it, but as far as I know today is it.

I'm excited about when my chapter mate Shauna Allen gets Inked By An Angel released. I don't know the exact release date, but her site says January 2013. I critiqued part of that story (very early chapters) and let me say, unique hero--definitely fun. I LOVE her cover art.

Yesterday my nephew announced the NWHRWA Lone Star Conference (information isn't on our website, yet, but stay tuned)on his radio show, on EMU's Eagle Radio. You can catch it on Thursdays from 4pm (EASTERN time) to 6pm (EASTERN time)--that's 3pm to 5pm Central time. He generally talks sports and music, but he also chats about other topics, too. I don't always know a lot of what he's talking about, but then again, I don't know a lot about sports, but I still find something fun about his show. One time he played a song by Van Halen. It was one I really like, so I was happy about that! You can send him a Tweet via @HarryEagleRadio and who knows...he just might give you a shout-out on the air. To listen, just go to the Eagle Radio site and click on the upper left hand corner. You can listen through your computer.

Christmas is coming and I'm happy! I turned on some Christmas music and danced around my house a bit. Offspring wasn't sure what to think at first, but then didn't want me to turn off the music. LOL It was fun.

I'm wanting to make cookies, but we'll see. If I do get to make cookies I want to make my Dad's version of Chocolate Chip Cookies. They come out soft and fluffy. I just love them--and some of my friends do, too. They rarely pass up my Dad's cookies.

I'm almost half done with Christmas shopping. It's tough to know what some people want. Is it just me or does it sometimes feel like you THOUGHT you knew the person's personality then you get around to shopping for them and you're like "Gee, I don't know WHAT they'd like."? Luckily Offspring keeps telling me a myriad of things on the Christmas List, so I don't lack for ideas.

Don't forget to catch me on Twitter, via @WriteByBethany. I update that often. You can catch my Twitter feed in the margin of this blog. But please, come follow me on Twitter--I'd like to get those numbers climbing on a regular basis--who year just might mean more giveaways.

I don't have a release date for my novel, yet, but stay tuned. Once I have that information and everything, I will let folks know.

Hope everyone has a fabulous first weekend of Advent! Christmas is just around the corner, if you can believe it.

Are you needing a reading list? Here's some of what I have on my To Be Read/Wish List (in absolutely no particular order):

Hidden by Sophie Jordan

Opal by Jennifer L. Armentrout (will be released December 2012)

Powerless Consent by Janet Nash

The Secrets On Forest Bend by Susan Muller

The Son Of Neptune and The Mark Of Athena by Rick Riordan

Goddess by Josephine Angelini (not out until May 2013)

Wild About You by Kerrelyn Sparks (recently released, yeah, I know I forgot to report on that, I said, A LOT is going on).

I'm sure there's others, but these are the ones off the top of my head.

Have A Fantastic Friday!


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