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Showing posts from July, 2009

I Couldn't Do It Without You

There's so much that goes into writing and publishing. When writing, there's a combination of all the knowledge, experience, imagings, etcetera into just putting the words upon the page--formulating the story and characters. I can't even begin to go into what a big subject publishing is--I sometimes wonder if I've even begun to scratch the surface. It's quite vast. However, most writers have some kind of support system. And that goes for me, as well. You know who you are! Family, friends, fellow writers I've talked to (whether published or not)--even teachers I've had. You're the ones on the sidelines saying "Go Bethany! You can do it!" (Which puts me in mind of the Home Depot commerical, but anyway...) This includes my husband (my son does in his own way, as well). The list is long and I am so blest to have all of you "in my corner". You're the ones who remind me of my dream of doing this. Regardless of what happens,...


Well, I've signed up to attend a writer's conference this fall. Hopefully my application for it will be accepted and everything. I was very excited to find something that I could get to. It should be interesting and very helpful to my writing. Maybe I'll meet some published writers that can give me some tips. Everything I've read says that networking is a very good thing for a writer to do, so I'm hoping that I'll have that oportunity. I would like to. Seriously working on my writing and researching publishing has shown me a whole world that I didn't know much about, but I am learning it's huge and has many facets. It also has a lot of interesting things about it. I was glad to find out in some of my research that I already knew some of the things they say to do or not to do. That was comforting that I wasn't completely ignorant! Anyway, time to finish breakfast and on with my day! Have a good day :-)


Coming up with something to say as a first post is proving harder than I thought. However, I set this up because I'm an aspiring writer and there's some blogs out there by agents and writers that I wanted to look at and one I commented on (well one so far) so I thought maybe I'd set my own up, just to see what would happen. In any case, eventually I'll come up with something more witty to say...right now I'm saving most of my inspirations for my novel writing!