Happy Monday Everybody, Last week was all about settling back in after having been in Louisville, Kentucky for a week--and trying to work on edits in spite of allergies/cold, etc. (AKA real life). I'm almost halfway through the read-through portion of publisher's first round edits for Astral Love . I'm hoping to send them back to publisher by sometime on Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2014 (if not before). Meanwhile, I thought I'd share some teasers of Book Two for your reading pleasure/anticipation ***NOTE: IF YOU DO NOT WANT ANYTHING TO "SPOIL" BOOK TWO FOR YOU, DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER*** : Divine Love gave you a pretty intimate look at Laney Alberts--what's important to her and who she is. She's going to continue to evolve and grow, but Astral Love will give you a closer look at Jason Magnus. You'll finally learn the details of the circumstances as to why Aphrodite hates Jason. Yep...all the details. You'll find out more about Astras...