Happy Monday All (the time stamp might read Sunday, but this is actually for Monday), First of all, I got to say, thank you to everyone who commented on the Four Foxes One Hound Blog post and the Soul Mate Publishing Blog Post. I read some of the kindest, sweetest, comments from you all and I'm truly touched, humbled, flattered, and feeling honored and privileged to have such things said about me. I really am grateful and appreciate it. So, thank you, thank you, thank you! Good news! The Blog Tour is NOT over. On July 10th (also release day!) I will visit Eat Read Rate , as guest blogger for Melissa Ohnoutka. Join me as I go into depth about my writing journey. What books did I read growing up? Why didn't I pursue a writing career when I was younger (beyond not feeling qualified)? What happened when I pitched All's Fair In Love & Lion to my editor from Soul Mate Publishing? What's the deeper story behind how AFIL&L came to be? (more in-depth than the int...