Happy Monday Everybody, It's December, if you can believe it! I hope everyone had a great weekend. On Saturday I Christmas partied with my NWHRWA Chapter mates. Whomever did the decorations knows how to make things bright, merry, and cheerful. Look behind the love gift bag, you'll see the very top of the present I got to keep. We have a gift game that we do--the "white elephant" one. We didn't have too many joke presents...although someone did find a cookbook that was the source of much merriment. I ended up with a chalkboard type thing that says "The Writing On The Wall" and a box of chalk--it's really cool. I'm going to get husband to put it up on the wall...great place to jot down ideas real quick. from L to R: me, Christie Craig, William Simon My chapter mates are extremely talented, encouraging, and wonderful people, and I count myself lucky and blessed to be among them. The two chapter mates / publishe...