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Showing posts from June, 2010

Dreams, Parnormal & What Is It?

Happy Wednesday Everybody, I'm really excited. Today The Twilight Saga: Eclipse is out in theaters (I hope to see it this weekend). I'm also a little bit puzzled. I had another one of those weird dreams I'm always talking that if I could just get a handle on what the dream was about, rather than these vague flashes, I might be able to take some of it and turn into a story. (It definitely had paranormal aspects in it!) Speaking of paranormal, awhile back agent Scott Eagan was talking about what he will and won't take regarding Paranormal queries . It's made me sit down and wonder exactly everything that constitutes a paranormal. Things I thought of I wondered if they were strictly fantasy or if they could branch into paranormal (we're talking about nymphs, muses, sirens, mermaids, dragons, and things like that). Now, I know that MaryJanice Davidson and her husband, Anthony Alongi have a paranormal series for YA out dealing with dragons and sha...

Wish On A Star

Happy Tuesday All, Admit it. You've wished for something crazy or outrageous before. Maybe as a writer you've wished you were the Super Writer with the power to burst through writers' block with super-sonic ray-gun typing fingers. Is this your wish? Mine would be to be perfectly organized. Never a thing out of place and always know where everything is at any given moment. That would be very helpful. (unrealistic, but helpful; I know organized people, but rarely do I meet a person who never has anything that's out of place). Have A Thrilling Tuesday!

From MISconception To PERCEPTION

This post is for Monday but I'm posting early because it's been running around in my head for awhile. Hello Everybody, An interesting subject came up when I was reading a blog (unrelated to writing, but a topic I'm interested in). The question of women being mothers and career women came up and I happened to mention I was a writer. The person I was talking to through the comments said that I was "doing it all"; b ut other things she said reminded me of the misconceptions people have about writers. The ideas I had when I was a teenager, before I got to really educating myself on the writing and publishing world. This big misconception is that we writers don't have to spend as much time as other career-paths or even full time students on what we do. That at the very least it's a hobby sort of drive at the very most it's a few hours a day. Well, I'm here to blast that myth into oblivion . Okay, maybe not all writers are spending 8-10 hours...

Wild Summer!

Happy Tuesday All, Well, I know it's been a long time since I posted. There's some good reasons for that: 1. Working on Lone Star Contest 2.  My younger brother's wedding (was June 19th and the week before had family get togethers) 3. Working on Lone Star Contest some more My younger brother (the "baby" of the family) is now a married man. It's hard to believe, but it's true. I like the woman he married, she's very nice and is very good for him. The wedding was lovely and I cried in my brother's hotel room the night before. The best man was kind enough to give me tissues LOL. My brother gave me a big hug before I left for my own hotel room. The trip was awesome, I was in Seguine/San Antonio for the week and saw several family members and friends that I hadn't seen in awhile (a bunch of them I hadn't seen in over a year!) Myself and 2 of my sisters gave the The Princess Bride toast at the Rehearsal Dinner (Family tradition...w...

Can You Help?

Hello Fellow Authors, This is a special cry for help: The NWHRWA is in need of judges for its Lone Star Contest. No, you don't have to be a member of RWA or a member of the NWHRWA to judge. Please send me an email if you're interested. Thank you so much!

"My Dog Ate It"

Happy Tuesday One and All, I remember in high school teachers used to say they've heard every excuse in the book on why someone didn't turn in their assignments on time. Their most hated excuse was "my dog ate my homework" So, I figured for fun, come up with some goofy (and untrue, I hope) reasons not to write: A monkey invaded my home. We had to evacuate while the zoo keeper came to collect said monkey. This lasted a whole week since the monkey hid and nobody could find it in my one-storey home. I was abducted by aliens. I just returned last month. I'm still recovering.  My characters don't like me. They said so. Oh yeah... And this one of course:  My dog ate my computer. Of course, if you have a good excuse (health, family obligations, that sort of thing) then of course you haven't been writing. But if you've only been playing hooky, that's enough. I've gotta pull up my manuscript and get to editing. Have A Toe-Tapping Tue...


Happy Monday Everybody, I know I'm posting this later than I normally would post, but my day was full of other things to take care of, so it fell by the wayside. NWHRWA'S Lone Star Contest is now closed to entries (the deadline was midnight last night). I still have to finish the next rounds of edits for one of my manuscripts, but that was going okay. What's going on with all of you? Hope you had a Marvelous Monday!

Get Me Out Of The Corner!

Happy Thursday All, So you're writing along, merrily going, things are flowing, writing life is great. You love your characters, wait, no you actually love everybody, because everything's clicking. You're ready to dance a jig. Then it happens. The unthinkable. The unwanted. You write yourself into a corner. You frantically go back and see "Is there anything that doesn't belong? Can I redo the scene? Is the scene important? Should I take out this part and start over?" You delete a few sentences here and there. But the nagging feeling that "I don't know what comes next" won't go away. I have gotten to the whole "What now?" in one of my stories. I sit there and I think "Come on! You've had this story practically written in your head for months now!" Sometimes this happens. For me, it means I sometimes have to go back to my other project and work on the editing some more. Or it could mean that the scene either needs adjus...

Winner & Wednesday

Happy Wednesday Everyone, Yesterday's Christie Craig Interview Comment Contest was pretty fun, with some really good comments. Choosing a winner wasn't easy, but in the end "there could only be one" ( whooo Highlander flashes here). (Maybe I should've called it the Awesome Comment Contest instead? A better ring LOL ). Anyway, the winner is *drum roll please*... LINDA HENDERSON! Congratulations, Linda! :-) Linda has already been notified and the information has been sent to Christie so that she can get the signed copy of Shut Up And Kiss Me to her. So, I have a question for you all to ponder... What if a story an author is writing makes him or her uncomfortable? Now, if it somehow goes against the writer's religion then the obvious choice is to put it aside or change it. If it just makes the author uncomfortable because his or her character is this terrible con-man who cons an elderly lady and he or she would never con an elderly lady out of $500,000...

Spotlight On Author: Christie Craig

Happy Tuesday Everyone, Sorry about the delay in getting Christie Craig's email interview up. Normally I can just copy and paste interviews from my email into my blog, but this time my blog would NOT let me paste the interview! So everything has to be done manually, which takes longer. Anyway, let me introduce you to Christie Craig: I met her through the NWHRWA , which we're both members of. She's a real sweetheart. Funny, fun, and makes you feel comfortable (you don't feel shy or uncomfortable because she has a very hospitable presence about her). She's also very helpful, offers great advice and encouragement (I know this from experience, she's been very encouraging to me). Christie is a multi-published author of both fiction and nonfiction. Her works include things like Divorced, Desperate & Delicious and her up-coming non-fiction (with elements of fiction) work, Wild, Wicked And Wanton: 101 Ways To Love Like You're In A Romance Novel ...due out this ...

Please Bear With Me...

Hi Everyone, Today is Christie Craig's interview. I'm having some computer issues, so I beg your patience as I iron out these problems. Hopefully it's just a temporary glitch. I didn't have this problem with the other emails and I don't know why it's happening now. Again, I apologize for the delay.