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Showing posts from December, 2020

So much Excitement! Cover Reveal...

  Happy Monday Everybody! We're down to eleven (11) days until Christmas, if you can believe it! I can hardly believe how fast this Advent has gone--at least, it's been fast for me. I'm not finished Christmas shopping, which is strange because I'm normally done near this time, but, we're all blaming 2020 on things being not the norm (whatever the norm is for each person) so, that's what I think I'll do. I did plan, however, to do the cover reveal for Divine Love , 2nd Edition, so that's what I'm doing today on here! My contract expired with the publisher (and it was decided that it wouldn't be renewed), and so I've chosen to do a quick run-through of some editing and reissue it myself. (It's hard to get an agent or publisher interested in something that's already been previously published). It's the same story, just did some little editing here and there, and decided t...

Work In Progress...

  Happy Monday All, I'm once again playing with the theme of my blog, trying to find something that works best for me. For now, this new one seems like a good fit. The banner I made in Canva, which is a really cool site that helps you make graphics for different posts and things. I'm still working on the same WIP (Work In Progress) that I've been working on for a while. The good news is, it's almost ALL written! Then I can (FINALLY) start the editing process. I'm looking forward to getting this all cleaned up and querying. The Author Encounter continues to do well, and there are SEVERAL events coming up next year in 2021. I'm excited! BIG NEWS:  Next week (the week of December 14th) I'm going to do the cover reveal for Divine Love , the 2nd edition! To be clear, I'm not changing the plot or the characters. My contract was up with my publisher and it wasn't renewed (long story, no details I can share, sorry) so I'm reissuing it myself and it's...