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Showing posts from 2018

An Immortal Of An Update...

Happy Friday One and All! Wow, I can't believe I haven't posted on here since July. I sincerely apologize for my absence. Life is crazy and crazy is life.  First things first: If you haven't liked & followed my Facebook author page , you'll want to do that ASAP. Why? Because I'm doing something called The Immortal Tour. What is it? Glad you asked! The Immortal Tour is a play off of the title of my YA series, I mmortal Dreams ( Divine Love, Astral Love, Immortal Love, and Perfect Love ). It's sitting down on Facebook Live and interviewing authors I consider Immortals. So far I've gotten Kerrelyn Sparks' posted to my page. Due to technical difficulties, I've had to reschedule Avery Flynn, but I've got Robin Covington appearing on October 25th, and Victoria Vane on November 8th, plus more to come! This is an ongoing event, but trust me, it's not your usual interviews! You, the reader, will get a chance to be involved, and of course, ask...

What If You Could Live Forever?

Happy Tuesday Everyone, I've been back from RWA Nationals 2018 in Denver, Colorado for about a week now. It was all right, but I liked last year's better. But that's okay. (Part of it was that I had bad heartburn 2 days in a row. I've spoken to my doc about it, and I'm fine, now). Moving on, I'm way behind in my "promise to read and review on my blog" books, so let me get right down to today's: A while back, I won in a fun little giveaway a signed copy of It Wasn't Always Like This by Joy Preble . Joy is an imaginative and talented author behind the amazing Anastasia trilogy (that I loved). She didn't ask me for a review, but I promised her one. Joy took the idea of "the fountain of youth" and added murder, mystery, suspense, romance, and a quick-witted, smart heroine. After drinking a tea mixed with a herb found in a disappearing-reappearing-in-different-places spring, Emma O'Neill and Charlie Ryan find themselv...

Should I Tell Them...?

Happy Thursday Everyone! Life has been busy lately. I've been writing more regularly, which is awesome. Nothing is ready for you, yet, darling readers,  but don't despair. If I'm writing it means that work is one step closer to being in your hands. Lately I've been thinking a lot about how readers perceive their relationship with writers. The gap is less wide nowadays thanks to social media and the like; however, I still sometimes run across readers who are surprised that writers would want to hear from them. Let me put it to you like this: a while back I heard about a high school classroom that needed books, so I sent copies of some of my Immortal Dreams books (I don't know if it was all of them or the first three). The teacher sent me a card thanking me and telling me her students had already picked them up. I didn't need the teacher to send me a thank you, I was happy to send the books. But that card made my day. It's taped to my dresser mirror and ...

Just A Little Over A Month...

Happy Tuesday All, Summer is in full force in Texas. Heat and humidity...and lots of it! The Averies are trying not to melt and Averie Cat loves to sun himself on the window sill or lay on my bed where the sunlight peeks in during the afternoon. Currently as I write this he's laid out sleeping.  Romance Writers of America's National Conference (aka "Nationals") is coming up in a little over a month (July 18-21) and I'm excited. I've never been to Colorado before, and I hear it's really beautiful. I'm also thrilled to be able to see friends I haven't seen in a while, meeting new people, including trying to meet up with  Syrie James , whose Nocturne I have loved (I'm totally fan-girling about that). I'm going to be rooming with Belle Ami , whom I've enjoyed getting to know. I didn't final in the RWA Ritas, but that's okay. I'm still going to the ceremony because it's such an incredible celebration and let's face...

How Do I Even Start...?

Happy Tuesday All, Normally I'd have this up and running in the beginning of the day, but I got behind. In my adventures as a writer, I come across people who say "I want to write, but I don't know how to get started." The really simplistic answer to that is "Just write." That really is a key part of writing is actually writing . But sometimes they want more information, or ideas of hints and help, etc. So here's a basic, general breakdown: 1. You have to write . What are you interested in? What story do you have to tell? Do NOT worry if it seems stupid or whatever to you. Just get started. You can always edit later. 2. Check out your favorite authors. A lot of authors have websites and/or blogs, etc. Some are on social media. Check them out. See what they say about the writing process and getting published. Find out what worked for them and see if it's something that'll work for you. 3.  Find a writer's group. Very helpful and you...

You Mean It Isn't That...?

Happy Monday All, We're getting closer to Romance Writers of America's National Conference (aka "Nationals" or "RWA18"). It's interesting to me how the longer I'm in the genre, the more of the stereotypes and comments that come my way. For instance, last year, I was in the elevator going up to get something from my hotel room, and this person who was attending another event said to me, "Oh, you're with that book thing." Now, I played it off. I mean, technically it is a "book thing", but this illustrates some of what we romance novelists encounter. Nationals are so much more than just a "book thing". We have a ton of writers there, sure, but we also have people in other capacities. There are agents, editors, bloggers, sometimes cover artists/models, and well, it wouldn't shock me if someone from film showed up...oh wait, they already did... PassionFlix . Darling readers, any of you who have followed me (o...

Excitement Building...

Happy Monday All, Like I've said before, my posting on here is inconsistent. Blog topics are hard to come up with and my life is full of being mom, wife, and writer. But enough of excuses! I'm gearing up for RWA Nationals 2018. I think I've been gearing up for it since Nationals ended last year. I can't help it. I had such a blast in Florida, I'm looking forward to what Colorado will bring. I'm also excited to see some friends I haven't seen in a long time. Particularly one who was a year behind me in high school. We hung out in the same social group and had one class together my Junior year. She's a sweetheart and I've missed her. We're going to get manicures and hang out. I think it's going to be a ton of fun! Nationals is a great way for authors (particularly Romance authors) to get together, find out what's new in the publishing world, and network. Publishers, agents, and other industry professionals come from all over as well...

Life Unsorted...

Happy Wednesday Everyone, Right now, my schedule for posting on here is inconsistent. I haven't figured out a good schedule, yet, so, please, bear with me. I'm also considering what topics to cover, so it might be awhile before I have another post up here. I hope everyone is having a good Spring so far. It was pretty muggy on Tuesday, but that's Texas for you. Humidity can be thick and oppressive. I prefer cooler weather--although not snow or ice. I like 40-65 degree Fahrenheit with sunshine. I like snuggling under warm blankets with a hot drink and a good book (or movie or show!)  Two weeks ago I was suffering horrible allergies, and also dealing with migraines. I'm doing a little better now, but I'm not a big fan of spring for that reason--although I do like some of the spring styles. Summer will be hotter. It's barely April and I'm all ready for Fall and Winter again. I know that the places that have gotten a lot of snow are ready for the warmer...

Achieving Perfection...

Happy Friday All, It's been a long time since I've updated and a lot of it has to do with feeling like I had no idea what to say. Yeah, that's brutally honest and definitely the truth. Also, when it's just you doing everything yourself, it's easy for things to slip through the cracks. But, yeah, I wasn't sure what to put on here, but lately, some stuff has been occurring to me, so I finally have something blog-worthy to post. So, let's start with a question:  What do you try to be perfect at? What is something that you try to do absolutely your best at and sometimes you manage it sometimes you don't? I'm that way with just about everything in my life, but specifically motherhood and writing. Motherhood for the obvious reasons--I want to raise my kids right, and I want to do what's best for them. Writing because I want to put out good stories for people to enjoy and I want people in the industry to pick me. I think that's how most writ...