Happy Tuesday All, I skipped posting last week for two reasons. One, I wanted to give proper attention to the interview with Meg LeFauve after the hold up with the formatting, and two, I had several things going on. Me (Maid of Honor), and my deceased friend, Sarah, on her wedding day in 2003 Monday marked 4 years since my friend, Sarah, died, and by the time I thought of doing a blog post it was late in the afternoon, so I decided to switch this week's post to today. Recently the national organization I belong to, Romance Writers of America (RWA) opened up registration for its annual conference --dubbed "Nationals--which is being held in July, at a resort in Orlando, Florida this year. Talking with my family, it was decided for the first time since I joined in 2009, I would go. I'm all registered with a hotel room and have had a lot of outpouring of Me at my chapter's conference in 2014 support from other RWA members both ones going and those who have b...