Happy Tuesday Everybody, Thank you for joining us on this blog series. Today is the last one. The comments and response has been wonderful--thank you for that as well! There are young people in the world struggling with learning differences (sometimes called learning disabilities) who may or may not feel they aren’t as good as those who don’t have these disabilities/challenges. The three of us—Bethany Averie, Ryan Jo Summers, and Christie Craig—have all faced learning disabilities/difficulties and based on our personal experiences, and what we see in the world today, were inspired to share our own stories with you. We’ll be posting each author’s Q&A style on all our blogs. Today is the last day with author Christie Craig's interview up. Our wish is for you teens and young adults to never be afraid to dream big. In a world where less than someone’s definition of perfect can mean the difference between acceptance and rejection, we want you to stand up and pursue...