Happy Monday All, Here's hoping everyone had a great weekend! Mine was busy. Saturday we had offspring soccer game. Sunday we went to church and then we had family time. In the evening, offspring and Daddy went off to have time together (ran errands and hung out) while I watched the Season 3 Premier of Once Upon A Time (which was really good, by the way! Totally not the Peter Pan we're used to from the animated movie). I think it'll be a good season. Last week I asked everyone to post or email their "burning questions" about my writing. A couple of you left me some really good questions, so today I'm taking the time to answer them: Susan M. asked: I notice that you write in first person, present tense Is there a reason you chose this? Is it difficult and will your future books be written in this tense? My answer: My Third Realm Romances (what All’s Fair In Love & Lion is, and the subsequent companion novels that are in the same world) ar...