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Showing posts from January, 2013

Step Into My Tattoo Parlor...

Happy Wednesday Everyone, Wow, what it is about Wednesday that the last post and this one are both on a Wednesday? I promise, I didn't plan it that way. Today is an incredible day. Not only did a cold front finally deign to pass through the area, thus making it more January weather, rather than say...APRIL weather around here (YAY) it's also the release of my chapter mate and friend's contemporary Romance novel, Inked By An Angel . Currently I've only found it available through Soul Mate Publishing's website , but I'm sure Amazon and Barnes & Noble will have it up eventually. It's in e-book form. The good news is, if you don't have an e-reader there's apps available for computer and phones both on Amazon and Barnes & Noble for your reading pleasure. ***UPDATE 1/30/2013 12:03 p.m. CENTRAL TIME****:  It's gone "live" on Amazon Kindle  I'm keeping an eye on Barnes & Noble. It's currently not available through B...

What? Huh? Yeah, I'm here...Sort Of.

Happy Wednesday (late afternoon), Hi everyone! No, I haven't forgotten the blog or any of you. I've been pretty preoccupied lately. The best way to keep up with me is to find me either one of two ways (or both ways): On Twitter:  @WriteByBethany Or on Facebook:  do a search for Bethany Averie I update those frequently. There's been some blog updates that I did today. I updated books I finished reading. (Yes, it was good). I also updated about my writing. The status on Immortal Dreams Book 1:  Dream Weaver is that I got my critiques back so now it's in the revision process (and then that will go out to CP and beta reader/s and then more revisions until it's ready). I've got the companion novel for Surreal in the process of being written (that's been a bit slow) and Immortal Dreams Book 2 ( Dream Weaver sequel) started. So I've been fairly busy on that front. Updates have also been added to what movies I want to see. Of course that was ...

Christmas Gets Extended & Boxes Of Awesomeness

Happy Monday/Tuesday All, Given that I'm writing this after 8pm on Monday night, I figure this post will serve as Monday & Tuesday's posts. I have received a Box Of Awesomeness. Actually 2. The first one is in the form of my younger brother's Christmas present to me, that somehow got detained on its travels from its starting location to my parents' house. You see, originally brother was going to be at parents' house to receive said package. However, given it was detained, he was back at his house (many miles away from parents' location) when it arrived. So my parents, being the Box Of Awesomeness they are, kept it for me. I was able to pick it up on Sunday. My younger brother hit it out of the park in his selection of Christmas present! I received the following THREE books: Opal by Jennifer L. Armentrout (book 4 in the Lux series--really good series) Much Ado About Magic by Shanna Swendson (book 5 in the Enchanted Inc. series--fantas...

It's Business As Usual In The Averie Universe

Happy Friday All, The preliminary author edits for Dream Weaver are slowly coming along. I'm hoping to finish up this weekend, or at least early next week. I really want to get this out to critiques so I can be all ready for whatever edits my publisher has for Surreal . Need to be able to concentrate on that without too many distractions (deadlines, as you know, are a part of an author's life, and I intend to do my best fulfill my part in that). On a completely unrelated topic (but something I thought was funny) I was waiting for my hot tea to finish steeping and as I opened up this post to write it, I totally forgot the tea was there. Then suddenly I was like, "Oh no! My tea! It's going to be too strong." Well, good news, isn't. win. A good cup of tea on a cold day with honey is a cozy thing indeed. (Local honey is supposed to help with allergies, how many of you all knew that? Too cool). So to help with some of the allergy i...

It's A Critique Thing

Happy Thursday All, Yesterday was Box Of Awesomeness Day. But just because yesterday is past doesn't mean you can't still share those awesome things/feelings/happenings throughout the year. In fact, I encourage you to keep me up-to-date on here and on Twitter (hashtag: #BoxOfAwesomeness tweet to me @WriteByBethany). We all need positive things/uplifting things in our lives, so let's see if we can keep it up all through 2013, okie-dokie? Since I'm getting Dream Weaver ready for critiques the process of critiquing is on my mind. Tess St. John and I have been critique partners for oh, about 4 years now. Yes, I have critiqued several of her novels (I swear this woman is a machine when it comes to writing, and she's so talented!) She and I have an understanding, which I think is important for all critique partners to have with each other and that's this:  Use what works for your story and ignore the rest. Which basically means, whatever works to strengthen yo...

Surprises Turned Into Awesomeness

Happy 2013 Everyone! Welcome back! New year, fresh start, and all that fun jazz.  Kleenex for all the runny/ sniffly noses!  I hope that so far 2013 is treating you right, although I understand a few folks out there have been fighting off icky illness stuff, and my thoughts and prayers are with them. Offspring has sinus infection, so I feel your pain. I've had allergies (again), but I'm doing all right otherwise (thank you, God!) My Holidays are not over, yet. The Christmas Season ends on Epiphany, so my decorations are staying up through January 6th. I know some folks go back to work or have their teen aged able-bodied children help them take stuff down while they're at home, but in general , I beg of you, please leave those decorations up through January 6th, if you possibly can! We rush through things at such a great rate these days, taking time to be grateful and to count our blessings is important. As a Christian, it's a good reminder to me that ...

2013 New Year's Wishes